Britain’s University of Derby will be hosting an interactive debate titled Mining: To dig or not to dig, which will address mining in the 21st century. The event will take place on March 14, 2016 between 17.30 and 18.30. Andrew Bloodworth, Science Director for Minerals and Waste at the British Geological Survey, will be arguing for mining and Dr Alex Stewart, formerly from Public Health England, will argue against mining.
The debate will form part of the launch of a new Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental Assessment and Control. The course will provide knowledge and understanding of contaminated land and freshwater environments and review management policies and strategies to achieve effective governance.
Professor Aradhana Mehra, Head of Conservation Biology and Ecosystems at the University of Derby, said: “The controversial issue of mining being debated here serves as an excellent taster for what the new Masters has to offer in terms of the understanding of contamination of land and water, and strategies for its prevention and control.”
The course will provide a learning approach suitable for recent graduates seeking a full-time study approach, and mature students in current employment as a part-time route to suit their time commitments.
Ahead of the event, Bloodworth said: “Mining will remain the dominant provider of metals needed to meet the rising demand from a growing and increasingly aspirational global population. At the same time, we will also need large quantities of metals to manufacture the new energy, transport and digital technologies we require to migrate to a low carbon economy.
“Despite its poor past record, the environmental footprint of the modern mining industry is significantly reduced by effective monitoring, management and mitigation of contamination of air, water and land.”
Stewart added: “Mining has been and continues to be contentious. While providing essential contributions to lifestyle and the economy, it can blight not only the lives of miners and their families but also the wider community through environmental contamination and significant health impacts.
“This debate will explore some of the important issues around mining, offering a taster of the wide range of issues, attitudes and outcomes that make an understanding of, and practical involvement in, environmental assessment and control exciting, timely and essential.”
To find out more and book your place on the event, go to: