
ME Elecmetal awarded Best National Supplier by Chilean miners

Posted on 2 Jun 2016

ME Elecmetal is proud to announce that has been awarded ‘Best National Supplier’ of the Chilean mining industry. This recognition was determined by more than 230 professionals from mining companies with operations in Chile who were surveyed in the 5th Ranking of Mining Suppliers study.

José Pablo Dominguez, Deputy General Manager of ME Elecmetal Chile, received the award on behalf of the company and said: “This recognition means a real pride for us because customers themselves are those who made the evaluation of suppliers.”

The ‘Mining Suppliers Ranking’ is an annual study by Phibrand, a research firm in industrial markets, and is sponsored by the Ministry of Mining of the Government of Chile; the National Mining Society (SONAMI); the Association of Large Industrial Suppliers of Mining (APRIMIN); the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (AIC);  Expomin; and Editec publishing group. The fifth version of the ranking included the opinion of 238 professionals who hold key management positions at major mining companies operating in Chile.

Cristián Mansilla, General Manager with Phibrand, explains that the information obtained from the study “is of vital importance for miners, because it gives better selection tools when evaluating the various alternatives on the market, as well as for suppliers in their constant search to improve and promote the competitiveness of the industry”.