Posi-Shell containing toxins from becoming airborne in Canada fire wreckage. LSC Environmental Products, a manufacturer of premier spray applied environmental coatings, is assisting with the massive re-entry effort in the aftermath of the devastating fires around the Canadian oil sands of Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada. The fires, which have levelled countless acres of forest, have also destroyed more than 2,400 homes and displaced thousands of families in the close knit community of Fort McMurray.
Posi-Shell, LSC’s flagship product, is being applied by a local Canadian contractor to help prevent ash and toxic particles from becoming airborne or washing into waterways. Posi-Shell is a patented blend of clay binders, reinforcing fibres and polymers that when mixed with water, produce a spray-applied mortar that dries in the form of a thin durable stucco. LSC’s products have been used in other major clean-up efforts and are sought after for their efficacy, environmental sensitivity, and easy removal as long-term cleanup plans are implemented, the company says.
LSC is a global manufacturer of premier products and equipment designed to address the persistent environmental challenges of erosion, odour, land reclamation, waste cover, seeding, and dust.