
GEMS 6.3 gives users new, enhanced capabilities for greater control over tasks, mining data

Posted on 2 Mar 2011

Gemcom Software International has released Gemcom GEMSTM 6.3, the latest version of its collaborative geology and mine planning software. GEMS supports exploration, open pit, and underground operations and is used to quantify, model, plan, and schedule mineral deposits. With a focus on data management, GEMS brings accuracy and integrity to all exploration and mining data.

Included in GEMS 6.3 are important enhancements such as expanded solids and surfaces triangle editing functionality, and more robust block modelling capabilities to improve resource estimation and validation. This release also incorporates added support for use with a 3D mouse to enable simultaneous on-screen navigation and editing, and updates to the GEMS PlotMaker feature for greater ease-of-use when generating plots.

“Bringing GEMS 6.3 to the market has been a collaborative effort between our software, services, and support teams and the industry professionals we work with regularly – our customers,” said Eli Alston, Gemcom’s Product Line Manager. “After listening carefully to our customers’ needs, and by including important feedback received by our support and services staff in the field, this new release has been designed to help users drive productivity. A key theme found throughout this release is greater ease-of-use and improved user control over common tasks performed with the software and on mining data.”  

GEMS 6.3 highlights:

  • Enhanced solids and surfaces triangle editing options save users time and adds flexibility
  • 3D mouse support significantly improves user productivity by enabling simultaneous on-screen navigation and editing
  • More robust block modelling capabilities for better resource estimation and validation
  • Additional database tools for filtering on multiple tables result in cleaner, more refined views of data
  • Enriched importing of drillhole data with automatic reconciliation of differing source and destination drillhole lengths
  • New version of GEMS’ PlotMaker feature provides users with more output options.

Visit to view a list of GEMS and industry resources, including product videos, Webinars, and customer stories.  

Gemcom has also released of Gemcom SurpacTM 6.2, the latest version of its geology and mine planning software focusing on powerful 3D graphics and workflow automation.