
Cloud Peak Energy receives CORESafety certification

Posted on 21 Dec 2016

The National Mining Association (NMA) has recognized Cloud Peak Energy for receiving independent certification under its CORESafety® system. The CORESafety framework is a mining safety and health program that emphasizes accident prevention using a risk-based management system, the foundation of which involves leadership, management and assurance. Its objective is zero fatalities and a 50% reduction in mining’s injury rate within five years of implementation.

“Safety is a core value at Cloud Peak Energy and we are proud of our strong safety performance” said Colin Marshall, President and CEO of Cloud Peak Energy. “Cloud Peak Energy’s health, safety and environmental management system has been certified to OHSAS 18001 since 2008. CORESafety serves as another valuable resource to help us ensure the safety and health of every employee, contractor and visitor at Cloud Peak Energy.”

“As one of the first companies to reach this significant safety milestone, we applaud Cloud Peak Energy on this achievement,” said Hal Quinn, NMA president. “It shows a sincere dedication to improving safety for the benefit of its people. Since introducing the CORESafety system in 2011, fatalities among participating companies have dropped 47%.”

NMA developed and facilitates CORESafety as a voluntary mine safety and health initiative. CORESafety participants agree to: commit to the CORESafety system; implement a functionally-equivalent version of the CORESafety safety and health management system; submit to NMA annual self-assessments of progress toward implementation of the CORESafety safety and health management system; and, if the company elects to become or maintain CORESafety certification, complete a third-party assessment of its safety and health management system to verify that it is functionally equivalent to CORESafety and submit the assessment report to NMA.

SGW Management Systems Specialists conducted the audit of Cloud Peak Energy’s operations.