
ContiTech presents digital solutions for conveyors

Posted on 24 Apr 2017

ContiTech offers smart system solutions – far beyond just conveyor belt production. Innovative digital monitoring system reduces downtimes and maintenance costs and there are versatile conveyor belt systems for steep and vertical conveying.

ContiTech is expanding its portfolio of industrial applications for the conveyor belt industry. Alongside conveyor belts, the company is working hard on smart systems and expanding its range of services. This allows the industrial partner to offer its customers holistic solutions that go far beyond the conveyor belt product. “We primarily focus on new digital offers that create clear added value for our customers,” says Dr Michael Hofmann, who heads the ContiTech segment Industrial Belting Solutions within the Continental corporation. At the Schüttgut trade fair from May 10 to 11, 2017 in Dortmund, ContiTech is presenting its many innovations, including belt monitoring.

Smooth running of these belts is crucial for the cost efficiency of conveyor belt systems. To allow them to run free of faults for a long time, even when subjected to high loads, the operators are focusing more and more on prevention. Innovative electronic monitoring systems make it possible to identify the exact condition of the conveyor belts at any time. The newly developed monitoring system Conti MultiProtect helps to detect splice faults during operation and damage such as longitudinal slitting in good time. Rip inserts (rip detection inserts) are embedded in the conveyor belt. They produce a characteristic magnetic field that is used for monitoring.

In addition, Conti MultiProtect is based on software developed in-house, into which the long-standing expertise of specialists in conveyor belts has been incorporated. “The new system permits even more accurate monitoring of steel cord conveyor belts,” says Application Engineer Patrick Raffler. “It gives us a detailed picture of the status of the conveyor belts at all times without having to interrupt operations.”

Extreme gradients are a challenge for bulk haulage operations. Using special-purpose conveyor belt systems, ContiTech has created solutions that even enable vertical transport. The Flexowell® system can transport goods at inclines of up to 90o. It enables low-noise and environmentally friendly operations with capacities of up to 6,000 t/h. With this system, even multiple shifts from horizontal to vertical are possible with just one conveyor belt. System operators save in the long term as a result of the energy savings and long service lives in particular.

The Sicon ContiTech conveyor belt system is a real all-round talent: With its closed form, it is particularly suited to transporting sensitive goods. It is capable of negotiating small-radius bends easily, thereby rendering transfer stations superfluous.

Chevron profiles are also reliable assistants in steep-incline conveying. ContiTech offers a range of different cover qualities for different uses – including flame resistant, chemical and oil-resistant varieties. All covers are characterized by their wear-resistant quality.