
Woodlawn zinc-copper project to use IsaMill grinding technology

Posted on 19 Sep 2017

Heron Resource’s Woodlawn zinc-copper project has selected IsaMill™ technology. The project is 220 km southwest of Sydney, at the site of the former Woodlawn mine, which has reclaimed tailings and underground mineral reserves. Des O’Sullivan, Process Manager at Heron Resources commented the project needed a versatile and proven fine grinding technology at the site, as the mill will be treating zinc rich reclaimed tailings, as well as polymetallic primary ore in different processing modes, and the IsaMill was the best candidate to fulfil these needs.

Glencore Technology will be providing the project with a M10,000 IsaMill (3 MW), and IsaCharger™ media delivery system, as well as commissioning services. This is the second project this financial year where the IsaMill will be used to process base metals from reclaimed tailings.

Paul Telford, Glencore Technology General Manager, said “I am pleased our technology will be used for the Woodlawn project. This will be our 50th M10,000 IsaMill that will be installed. This certainly gives our clients peace of mind that we can provide technology that can achieve the high demands of fine grinding duties”.

The picture shows an existing installed M10,000.