
JSW to study autonomous longwall coal operations in Poland with Komatsu

Posted on 28 Sep 2018

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa (JSW) and Komatsu Mining Joy Global have signed a letter of intent looking into the use of modern, autonomous longwall systems at the Polish coal miner’s operations.

The two companies signed the research and analysis pact on September 28 in Katowice during the Congress of New Industry EXPO.

“The implementation of high-technology mining technologies used in mines in North America and Australia aims to increase the safety of miners working in the most difficult conditions,” JSW said in a statement translated from Polish to English.

“Modern wall systems limit the presence of crews in the most difficult, dangerous places exposed to extreme conditions, eg very high temperatures. Computerised longwall systems allow high autonomy of longwall mining, thanks to remote control of devices and visualisation in 3D,” the company added.

Daniel Ozon, president of JSW, said the company would start researching the application of autonomous longwall systems this year.

“The use of modern technologies, apart from increasing the safety of the crew, also increases the efficiency of coal mining. Global technological solutions obviously bring JSW closer to the future Industry 4.0 mine.”