
Minova increases its presence in Russia and Kazakhstan

Posted on 5 Jan 2007

Leading global supplier of underground mine consumables, Minova International, has some interesting developments in Russia and neighbouring Kazakhstan designed to strengthen further its presence in these two important regions.

New Russian powder plant at Leninsk Kusnesk

Following a very good reception of high performance cementitious powders in Russian coal mines, it became necessary for Minova to increase its production capability. The result was the opening, by Minova CarboTech’s Russian arm Minova CarboZakk, of a state of the art powder plant in Leninsk Kusnesk. This will allow Minova to cater for the needs of coal and metal mines alike. “Russia is an important region for Minova and we are pleased with the dynamic expansion of our companies there,” says Director for Business Development Peter Bell. “This development underlines our technical leadership and commitment to share expertize throughout the Minova global network.”

Minova also plans to open a new factory in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, with the initial focus on the production of resin capsules for copper and coal mines. Resin capsules are primarily used as an anchoring medium for rockbolts and cable anchors to provide roof and rib support.

The mining industry in Kazakhstan has witnessed strong growth over the last few years and attracted worldwide attention with the flotation of Kazakhmys, one of the largest copper companies in the world, in London. Minova was already active in Kazakhstan and the decision to establish a company there is a natural progression.

Comments Michael Reich, Chief Executive of Minova CarboTech: “What is distinctive about Minova is that we offer solutions not just products, and being close to our clients helps us to do just that. We have good relationships with our customers in Kazakhstan and our increased presence in this country’s growing market will help us build on this strong foundation.”