
Telson embarks on Glencore Tech Albion Process testing at Campo Morado

Posted on 15 Nov 2018

Telson Mining Corporation is retaining Glencore Technology to conduct Albion Process leach testing of newly processed flotation tailings and historic tailings to increase recoveries of gold and silver, plus zinc flotation testing focused on Jameson Cell technology to increase zinc recoveries and zinc concentrate grade at the Campo Morado zinc-lead mine in Guerrero, Mexico.

Glencore Technology describes the methodology as follows: “The Albion Process technology consists of two key steps. The first step is ultrafine grinding of the feed material using Glencore Technology’s IsaMill. The second step is an oxidative leach of the finely ground feed minerals at atmospheric pressure to break down the sulphide matrix and liberate gold and silver for recovery by conventional means. Albion Process has real-world success in delivering consistently high recoveries – up to 97% in refractory gold and over 99% in chalcopyrite copper concentrates. It has much lower capital cost than traditional leaching plants like pressure oxidation (POx) plants and because it operates at atmospheric pressure, it completely avoids the myriad risks of POx plants. It’s also dramatically less expensive to operate, with a recent study suggesting a third lower in ongoing opex costs. It’s also is incredibly fast to install and commission and very easy to operate.”

The Albion Process and Jameson Cell testing with Glencore Technology is estimated to be completed within 15 weeks of receipt of samples in Brisbane, Australia. An additional two weeks are estimated for the preparation and delivery of a Class 5 Engineering Study providing the following information: a capital cost estimate for the Albion Process Plant, accurate to a Class 5 (AACE); high level mechanical equipment list for the Albion Process Plant; power demand schedule for the Albion Process Plant; Albion Process Plant Process Description; block flow drawing for the Albion Process Plant; reagents and consumables schedule for the Albion Process Plant at the nominal throughput; an operating cost estimate for the Albion Process Plant at an accuracy of +20%.

The Campo Morado samples are in the process of being collected and shipped to Australia with an expected two-week delivery time.