Contractor MACA has wrapped up a strong year with a contract award from Adaman Resources at its Kirklalocka gold project near Mt Magnet in Western Australia.
The contract, secured through its subsidiary MACA Interquip, includes installation of a new SAG mill and refurbishment of an existing mineral processing plant at Kirkalocka. MACA expects to book some A$28 million ($20.2 million) for the works, which will commence in February with a duration of eight months. Some 40 personnel are expected to be required.
MACA said the contract award follows early involvement with the Adaman management team, enabling advancement in the design process and the submission of long-lead items. Commencement of the project remains subject to finalisation of Adaman’s project finance documentation.
Operations Director Geoff Baker said MACA Interquip has an excellent record of successful refurbishment delivery, hence the contract award.
“Our alliance with NCP International, who manufacture grinding mills and install complete comminution circuits globally, as an installation partner, will provide MACA Interquip with further exposure as an integrated mineral processing supplier,” he said.
“The recent contract awards for MACA Interquip demonstrates the success of the MACA strategy to diversify its services within the resource industry.”
This new contract ensures a strong order book for MACA Interquip for 2019 when added to the letter of intent for the refurbishment of the gold processing plant for Echo Resources. Other recent and ongoing work on processing plants includes the Savannah nickel project for Panoramic Resources (pictured) and the Degrussa copper project for Sandfire Resources.
Back in October, SMS Mining Services, which owns a 33% stake in Adaman, secured preferred contractor status for Kirkalocka, with the four-year contract consisting of open-pit mining services including load and haul, drill and blast, and mine development. SMS said at the time drilling was underway to extend the mine life beyond the current six years.