PPX Mining Corp recently announce that it has received the final permit needed to begin construction of its heap-leach gold and silver processing plant at its Igor Project in northern Peru. As outlined in the Igor Pre-Feasibility Study, the plant will process ore mined from the Callanquitas Mine located less than 2 km from the plant site. Initial capacity of the plant will be 350 t/d but it has been engineered to operate at twice that capacity to allow for potential low-cost and rapid expansion of production in the future.
With the approved permit to build the heap-leach processing plant, known as the Autorización de Inicio de Actividades de Construcción de Instalaciones Principales (“AIA” or “F2”), PPX will immediately begin site prep work for the installation of the crushing plant and agglomerator.
The fabrication of the three main components of the processing facility were finished in China; three-stage crusher, agglomerator, and Merrill-Crowe gold silver recovery system. The steel frame and structure for the crushing plant and agglomerator have been shipped to Peru and the remaining components will be shipped in order of construction sequencing, eliminating potential delays and efficiently deploying company capital. PPX expects the process plant to be completed and in full operation by mid-2019.
Brian J. Maher, President and CEO commented: “PPX is excited to receive the AIA for its Igor gold and silver heap-leach processing plant. The company has been completing permitted site work, upgrading access to plant site, levelling ancillary areas for the processing plant, etc. With the AIA in hand, we can begin pouring concrete and finishing preparations for the arrival of the crushing plant, the first step in assembling the processing facility.”