Leapfrog 3D modelling software can now interface directly with ALS Minerals Webtrieve core data retrieval service for seamless checking and verification. Leapfrog Mining, developed by ARANZ Geo, is fast, dynamic, 3D geological modelling technology with innovative workflows that the company states “enables the best possible understanding of the geology.” According to ARANZ Geo, Leapfrog enables accurate and consistent visualisation of data providing confidence in the interpretation and modelling from early exploration to mine remediation. Multiple hypotheses can be explored, new data added and course corrections made easily as the project proceeds.
Since it was first introduced in 2004 Leapfrog has been adopted by a number of leading mining and exploration companies. The interaction of the two packages offers users many distinct benefits. Leapfrog users can seamlessly view source information as part of the Leapfrog workflow, reducing interruptions and optimising usability. The ALS user can quickly visualise core data in 3D, which speeds up interpretation, evaluation and understanding of the data. This augmentation of Leapfrog & Webtrieve is available now via Leapfrog’s latest release 2.4.2. As part of the collaboration, ARANZ Geo is offering all ALS clients a 30-day evaluation licence at no cost, which can be requested on the Leapfrog website.
The ALS Webtrieve data retrieval service has recently been expanded to include core images from core photos. The core photos are rendered into a single down-hole, depth registered image. Geochemical data may be plotted with this image, and anomalies interrogated with respect to the core photo. Photos at anomalous geochemical locations can be magnified to view details of fracture density, mineralogy, texture. The ALS Minerals service includes long term, unlimited photo archival and on-line viewing via the Webtrieve on-line data system.