
New business areas aim to boost Boliden’s competitiveness

Posted on 22 Nov 2006

Boliden is implementing an organisation change, aiming to reinforce the synergies within the smelter operations and increasing the focus on marketing issues for the main products, copper and zinc. Business areas Copper Smelters and Zinc Smelters will be merged to form Business Area Smelters, and a new Business Area Market will be formed.

“The reorganisation will streamline and clarify important functions within the organization. This will enable us to strengthen our internal efficiency and improve our potential for exploiting commercial opportunities, and thereby boost our competitiveness,” says Jan Johansson, President & CEO of Boliden.

The following organisational changes, which will become effective on 1st January 2007, will be made in conjunction with the reorganisation:

  • Svante Nilsson, currently President of Business Area Zinc Smelters, will become the new President of Business Area Smelters
  • Ulf Söderström, currently Senior Vice President, Group Communications, will become the new President of Business Area Market
  • Eva Kaijser, currently in charge of Boliden’s long-term borrowing, will be appointed Senior Vice President, Information and Investor Relations (IR)
  • Sune Lundin, currently Boliden’s CIO, will become the new President of Strategy as well as continuing in his role as CIO
  • Jukka Järvinen, currently President of Business Area Copper Smelters, will be appointed Senior Advisor until his retirement in the summer of 2007.

Boliden is one of the leading mining and smelting companies in Europe with operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Ireland. Boliden’s main products are copper, zinc, lead and gold and silver.