
Sayona Mining appoints BBA to review Authier lithium project in Quebec

Posted on 28 May 2019

Emerging lithium miner Sayona Mining has appointed engineering consultancy BBA to review the Authier Lithium Project’s mining plan and DFS, “based on a sustainable approach that delivers genuine benefits to all stakeholders.” The proposed operation is located 45 km northwest of the city of Val d’Or in Quebec, a major mining service hub.

Under the study, BBA will update the mining plan to ensure it is optimised for the planned sustainable development approach of 2,600 t/d production, providing for an approximate mine life of 14 years and estimated annual average spodumene concentrate production of around 115,000 t (at 6% Li2O). The DFS will also be reviewed as per the proposed mining rate, since the previous study was based on daily maximum output of 1,900 t. The previous DFS showed the potential for a sustainable and profitable project that could generate 150 jobs in the construction phase and 160 jobs in operation, with the investment of nearly C$90 million into the province.

The amended study will form part of the company’s environmental impact statement required under Article 31.1 of Quebec’s Environment Quality Act. The overall regulatory process is expected to take approximately 13 to 18 months, including the completion of an EIS, public consultation and review, ultimately leading to a ministerial recommendation and government decision.

Sayona’s Managing Director, Dan O’Neill, said BBA’s appointment would ensure continuity concerning the Authier project, drawing upon the consultancy’s established expertise. “BBA offers an established team of experienced professionals, with thorough knowledge of the mining sector in addition to having a regional presence in Val-d’Or,” O’Neill said. “Having been entrusted with the original feasibility study, BBA has both the project knowledge and experience to ensure a satisfactory outcome that expedites the process for the benefit of all.”

Sayona says it continues to engage closely with all stakeholders, including information sessions and consultations with local municipalities, landowners, First Nations communities, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders, with the engagement effort led by its local team in Quebec. “Amid US plans to speed the development of EV supply chain minerals such as lithium, continued growth in lithium demand and recent corporate transactions in the sector, Sayona is focused on advancing its flagship Authier project together with its emerging Tansim project in Quebec.”