
ThreeDify launches new GeoModeler orebody modelling tool

Posted on 1 Feb 2012

td.JPGSoftware company ThreeDify has announced the general availability of ThreeDify GeoModeler, its high performance orebody modeller based on a state-of-the-art 64-bit Linear Octree modelling kernel. Located in Ottawa, ThreeDify provides innovative 3D software solutions through a wide range of products. The company believes that the software offers “a highly efficient and cost effective way to carry out geological modelling, strategic mine planning and 3D visualisations.” Complimentary to the main software products, ThreeDify also offers a variety of lightweight 3D design, model viewing and graphing tools deployed as add-ons to Microsoft Office.

“ThreeDify GeoModeler is the result of a persistent research and development conducted by the ThreeDify R&D team. GeoModeler represents a paradigm shift in orebody modelling: instead of using conventional block models that are severely confined by the size of the deposit being modelled, a linear-octree based orebody modeller is capable of modelling and visualising ore deposits of any size, shape and complexity. With GeoModeler, geologists no longer need to compromise precision due to the size of their deposit” said Dan Jiang, CTO of ThreeDify.