
Liebherr family looks to the future

Posted on 21 Feb 2012

lieb.jpgThe owners of the Liebherr Group, Willi Liebherr, President of the Administrative Board of Liebherr-International AG, and his sister Isolde Liebherr, its Vice-President, have assigned a proportion of their shares in the Liebherr Group’s parent company to their children. The statement said “This will enable various duties and responsibilities to be transferred to the next generation.” In the future individual group divisions will be managed by Isolde Liebherr or Willi Liebherr jointly with a representative of the third family generation.

Initially, the following members of the third generation will assume responsibility step by step for corporate management and supervisory tasks: Jan Liebherr; Stefanie Wohlfarth; Sophie Albrecht and Patricia Ruf. The statement closed: “The way is now clear for the future management of the Liebherr Group, and to ensure that Liebherr will remain an independent family-owned company.” Hans Liebherr established Liebherr as a family business in 1949. The company’s first mobile tower crane laid the foundation for its remarkable success. Liebherr is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of construction machinery but also an acknowledged supplier of advanced technical products and services in many other business sectors, including mining, with its hydraulic excavators up to the R9800 and trucks up to the T282C. Liebherr has developed into a group of more than 120 companies worldwide, employing more than 35,000 people. The parent company is Liebherr-International AG, which is based in Bulle, Switzerland and owned entirely by members of the Liebherr family.