
Minerva to show AME Roundup crowd what TERRA AI software can do

Posted on 16 Jan 2020

Minerva Intelligence says it will be showcasing its TERRA mining artificial intelligence software at the 2020 AME Roundup Conference next week in Vancouver, Canada.

Minerva’s core competency is combining machine intelligence with human intelligence to produce explainable, rapid conclusions that enable cost-effective decision-making, it says.

Its TERRA suite uses this knowledge to put together a range of software applications that helps “clients harmonise and utilise poorly-structured or legacy data, produces new and precise auditable geological targets for 92 different mineral deposit types, optimises underused 3D drilling data, and provides rapid, intelligent discovery of documents”, it said.

Minerva says it has carried out a number of projects for government agencies focused on generating public domain exploration targets to promote mining within their jurisdictions. It recently updated a project from 2004 carried out in Canada’s Yukon territory, with analysis of the exploration areas highlighted by the project showing a very good correlation with claims held for exploration today, 15 years after the study.

Minerva will be showcasing this technology at Roundup’s Innovation Hub, an area reserved for conference invitees to display the latest innovations in the mineral exploration sphere. Minerva will be demonstrating its advanced augmented reality technology as well as the TERRA product suite at the hub, it said.

The 2020 AME Roundup Conference will be held on January 20-23 at Vancouver’s Convention Center.