
Make a nomination for the AIME Engineering Excellence Awards

Posted on 5 May 2006

The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME) Standing Award Committees are looking for nominees for the AIME Awards listed below to be presented at the recipient’s Member Society annual meeting in 2007. Nominations will be accepted through June 15 and need to include a resume and information related to the award criteria.

In addition to the AIME awards listed below, the AIME Board recently voted to increase the cash component of The Rossiter W. Raymond Award from $300 to $2,500. This honour is given to an author under age 35 for the best peer approved, single-authored paper in a Member Society magazine or Transactions. Papers that qualify are forwarded by AIME staff to the Raymond Committee for judging.

James Douglas Gold Medal

Established in 1922, this award recognizes distinguished achievement in nonferrous metallurgy.

Charles F. Rand Memorial Gold Medal

For distinguished achievement in mining administration, including metallurgy and petroleum.

Robert Earll McConnell Award

To recognize beneficial service to mankind by engineers through significant contributions which tend to

advance the nation’s standard of living or replenish its natural resources.

AIME Distinguished Service Award

In recognition of extraordinary and dedicated service in furtherance of the goals, purposes, and traditions

of AIME.

Environmental Conservation Distinguished Service Award

Established in 1972, this award recognizes significant contributions to environmental conservation.

Frank F. Aplan Award

In recognition of engineering or scientific contributions that further the understanding of the technology of

coal and/or mineral processing.

Mineral Economics Award

For distinguished contributions in the advancement of mineral economics.

Mineral Industry Education Award

For distinguished contributions to the advancement of mineral industry education.

Additionally, the AIME Hoover Nominating Committee would appreciate suggested nominees for this industrywide engineering award. Established in 1929, this medal commemorates the civic and humanitarian achievements of engineers. It is conferred upon an engineer whose professional achievements and personal endeavours have advanced the well-being of humankind. The committee prepares a nomination(s) for consideration by the Hoover Board made up of representatives from the five engineering Founder Societies.

AIME awards administered at the Member Society level include the Saunders, Ramsay, and Richards Awards at

SME. Additional information about all AIME awards can be found in the Awards/Scholarships section of the AIME website,, or by contacting AIME Executive Assistant, Michele Gottwald, at 303-948-4256 or [email protected].