Leading mining mill miner and ground engaging tools supplier Bradken recently reported a net profit after tax for the year ending 30 June 2012 of A$100.5 million, a 15% increase over the previous period. “The underlying fundamentals of the business remain very strong, with our monthly order intake and order book continuing to be at historical high levels. We are seeing continuing growth of mining markets and have added capacity to our foundry operations in Australia, Malaysia, Canada and the USA to meet the increased demand for cast steel products. Sales of the new Bradken GET product range are continuing to grow strongly and are being actively promoted to the global market, with new sales being generated in North and South America, Africa and Europe,” Managing Director, Brian Hodges said.
Sales revenue for the Mining Products Division of A$648 million was up by 22%. Mining production grew strongly, positively impacting consumable products sales and capital goods. There was a strong contribution from the Norcast, AOA and WPS acquisitions while the new GET products were below the previous year. In the Mineral Processing business, sales were up 108% year on year driven by organic growth and a contribution from the Norcast acquisition. Capacity incrementally increased from the Australian, Canadian, Malaysian and UK foundries to meet growing demand, which continues to strengthen with the order book at high levels. Sales for the Fixed Plant business such as liners for chutes and buckets were up 48% year on year with “excellent contributions” from the AOA and WPS acquisitions and strong organic growth. With manufacturing of key product lines commencing in China later in the year to meet demand, the expanded product offering is enabling market penetration, particularly in the Western Australia iron ore market.