Insig Technologies has signed a contract with RUC Cementation Mining Contractors Pty Ltd to deliver Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I) Design Services, for the shaft lining, equipping and headframe construction project at the Newmont Tanami gold mine site as part of the Tanami Expansion 2 project.
The company said: “This contract provides substantial growth to our business over the next 2-3 years and continues to build on our strong, collaborative relationship with RUC Cementation Mining Contractors Pty Ltd. This project has been in the pipeline for a number of months and its award is a result of the considerable effort from our Operations Team. The detailed design is already underway, with the Insig E&I team ramping up to full capacity.”
In April, Murray & Roberts has announced that RUC Cementation Mining Contractors had been awarded an approximate ZAR2.3 billion (US$162 million) contract for the shaft lining and equipping plus headframe construction.