Stillwater Mining Co has reinforced the message from parent MMC Norilsk Nickel on March 3, when it announced that, “following a comprehensive study involving independent consultants and the Palladium Alliance International, a decision has been taken to plan and implement a market development program for palladium jewellery.” Norilsk Nickel, the largest producer of palladium, will lead the initiative supported by Anglo Platinum, Impala Platinum and Lonmin, the major palladium producers in South Africa, and Stillwater, the sole producer of palladium in the USA. Norilsk Nickel said that “under the auspices of the International Platinum Group Metals Association, a decision has been taken to plan and implement a market development programme for palladium jewellery. The initiative will initially focus on China and the USA. The objective is to establish successfully a clear and specific brand position for palladium in jewellery which, in partnership with jewellery designers, manufacturers and retailers, will achieve a sustainable market with growth opportunities for palladium metal offtake. This follows on from the platinum jewellery development program supported by the South African platinum producers since 1975. The platinum program is led by Anglo Platinum and it will continue. Norilsk Nickel and Stillwater are supporting the platinum program.
“Both platinum and palladium jewellery market development, will in future be funded by the same group, but will be managed by separate organisations. A new individual brand identity will be developed for palladium jewellery.
“The key Platinum Group Metal producers believe this to be an important strategic development for the industry, both cementing the market position for platinum jewellery and significantly enhancing the value of palladium as a jewellery metal in its own right.”