Water management advice from the International Council on Mining and Metals
Water management advice from the International Council on Mining and Metals
April 22, 2014

ICMM has released its Water Stewardship Framework outlining a common industry approach to using a shared resource that is an essential part of all mining and metals operations. Water stewardship involves consideration of water-related issues both within and beyond operational boundaries. To do this effectively requires proactive and inclusive engagement with relevant stakeholder including host communities. ICMM’s Ross Hamilton launched the[…]

Komatsu and Pirtek expand hose assembly supply agreement
Komatsu and Pirtek expand hose assembly supply agreement
April 22, 2014

Komatsu Australia and Pirtek Fluid Systems have announced additional developments in their recently extended agreement for the supply of Komatsu genuine high-pressure hose assemblies to mining industry customers, with the agreement shortly to include Komatsu PC3000 and PC4000 mining excavators.  “We are now well advanced on having genuine high-pressure hydraulic hose assemblies for safety-critical applications available[…]

Canadian Renard diamond project nears construction; Dalradian Resources doubles resource estimates and much, much more
Canadian Renard diamond project nears construction; Dalradian Resources doubles resource estimates and much, much more
April 18, 2014

The latest issue of International Mining Project News, out today, has reports on 22 prefeasibility studies, four feasibility studies, and eleven projects in development, four existing operations that are expanding, and one project that have gone into production as well as many new appointments to new positions. The report covers 20 gold projects, 12 copper projects, seven[…]