
The P&H 77XR – combining drill power with flexibility

An interview with Sergio Li, Product Manager - Rotary Drills, Komatsu Mining

The P&H 77XR blasthole drill, (200-270 mm diameter holes) with 77,000 lbs of maximum bit loading capacity, offers a new flexible and modular solution to the global blasthole drilling market as it can be configured for rotary or hammer drilling, diesel or electric power, and single- or multi-pass drilling. This machine is designed to deliver an up to 10% maintenance and repair cost advantage and up to 5% availability advantage. Several other smart features are available for the drill to facilitate improved cycle times, including enhanced auto drill and electronic load sense control.

The model is also capable of full automation and teleoperation. It can be equipped with high precision GPS, auto-navigation, an innovative quadview camera system, obstacle detection system and geofencing technology. In H2 2021 an autonomous 77XR is set to be up and running as a production machine at a customer copper mine in Chile. This will initially be line of sight remote control with the agreement covering a building block approach from there to full automation. The autonomous capability of the 77XR has already been tested at the Komatsu Arizona Proving Grounds (AZPG).

Interviewee Sergio Li, Product Manager – Rotary Drills at Komatsu Mining told IM: “Customers that have trialled our automation system on the 77XR have told us that they appreciate its simplicity, the fact that it is well integrated into the base machine, the auto navigation is very smooth, not only thanks to the base model having very low vibration and a low centre of gravity but also the Auto Nav itself is very intelligent. We have also put a lot into the AI part of our Autodrill function, which we now believe to be the best in the industry. I would also say our ODS and how we have positioned the LiDARs is very efficient compared to other systems. They are seamlessly integrated into the machine, not just Add Ons.”