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29 May 2010
Cyanide ban threatens European gold mines
On May 5, 2010, the European Union Parliament approved a resolution which calls on the...
28 May 2010
Gold in Latin America: six juniors amass 100-Moz-plus resources
By Marc Davis, Latin America represents the world's last great mineral frontier for prolific...
28 May 2010
Automated rough mine road detection
Modular Mining Systems says to respond properly to rough roads, awareness is essential. Operators recognise...
28 May 2010
Rotating machinery: increasing safety and performance in mining
Iteca Socadei's new DDR heavy duty rotation sensor is suitable for use with any rotating...
28 May 2010
Coffey Mining – Brazilian mineral exploration on the up
Coffey Mining's Global Business Development Manager, David Atchison, thinks continued growth in the Chinese economy...
27 May 2010
Increasing wheel loader dump clearance with Cat’s Extended High Lift linkage
Caterpillar has released a new Extended High Lift (EHL) option for its 994F wheel loader...
27 May 2010
Solid Energy unlocks agricultural benefit potential of some of its lignite
Solid Energy's has achieved a major milestone with high-quality humates from its New Vale mine...
27 May 2010
Detecting drowsiness in mining haul truck operators before it is too late
More technology news that we were unable to include in the published surface haul trucks...
27 May 2010
Methane: drainage, burning and using it for power
Due to insufficient space in International Mining's safety article in June, we were unable to...
26 May 2010
Increasing control of mining haul trucks on steep grades
June's surface haul trucks article focuses on the latest technology developments. News that could not...
26 May 2010
World energy consumption to grow 49% by 2035 – International Energy Outlook 2010
World marketed energy consumption is set to grow 49% between 2007 and 2035, driven by...
26 May 2010
Managing occupational health and safety in mining operations
News that could not be included in International Mining's June safety article comes from PT...