Tag Archives: Lithium-ion

Metso to provide energy-efficient, sustainable precursor cathode active material production process

Metso is launching the Metso pCAM plant, an intelligent Planet Positive-certified solution for the manufacturing of precursor cathode active material, which is needed in the production of lithium-ion batteries.

Centred around an energy-efficient pCAM reactor, PSI® 1000 particle size analyser and pCAM process control, Metso’s pCAM plant integrates advanced technology and decades of know-how to ensure an energy-efficient and sustainable production process, Metso says.

Mikko Rantaharju, Vice President, Hydrometallurgy at Metso, said: “The growing use of high-performance lithium-ion batteries with enhanced energy density, fast charging capabilities and improved safety features is driving the demand for high-quality and sustainable precursor materials. As a strong and reliable partner for the development of lithium hydroxide and other battery minerals projects, we are the first Western supplier able to also deliver an optimised pCAM plant for the manufacturing of premium precursor cathode active material.”

For active cathode precursor manufacturing, Metso’s offering ranges from optimised raw materials selection to design and delivery of the pCAM plant and related services, it says. The production process consists of metal sulphate feed preparation, co-precipitation of mixed metal hydroxide and filtration. The design of the OKTOP® reactor used in the process enables high throughput with a smaller footprint for batch, semi-batch and continuous operation with one reactor set-up, and improved yield thanks to advanced process control and on-line analysers.

To support the customers in optimised raw material selection and process design, Metso uses its own in-house pCAM process development, testing and pilot facilities. The Metso pCAM plants are Planet Positive-certified, ensuring low energy and water consumption. Rantaharju notes: “Based on Life Cycle Impact Assessment, we found that the Metso pCAM process features remarkable sustainability benefits – it reduced water consumption by circa-52% and CO2 emissions by circa-31%. Also, power usage decreased by circa-27%.”

Remote Energy takes fuel efficiency to next level with iON-DRIVE

Remote Energy has launched iON-DRIVE – the most compact, fuel-efficient solution in its anti-idle range.

The iON-DRIVE is a roof-mounted DC HVAC system with a built-in lithium-ion battery bank. The battery-powered HVAC system allows the truck’s main engine to shut off at idle while keeping the cab cool, reducing unnecessary idle time. With its purpose built, mine-spec steel assembly coupled with the highly efficient large face evaporator, the iON-DRIVE sets the standard for rooftop air conditioning systems in tough work environments, according to the company.

The iON-DRIVE has the capacity to run the HVAC system continuously for up to 30 minutes, with the built-in lithium-ion battery charged by the haul truck’s main battery bank, via a DC-to-DC charging interface.

Installation of the system on the cabin roof is simple, with the need to connect only two cables to the truck’s battery bank.

“The iON-DRIVE is most suited to haulage cycles with short idle times, allowing for sufficient battery charging from the truck’s main engine,” the company added.

Among the key benefits of iON-DRIVE are reduced fuel consumption and carbon emissions; lower maintenance costs; the extension of service intervals and asset life; the ability to maintain operator comfort; increase available operating shifts; and the ability to improve operating redundancy with the installation of a second HVAC system.

Remote Energy Director, Chris Baumann, said: “We see that the iON-DRIVE provides a simple and unique anti-idle solution for haul truck fleets with lower idle times. With the continued push to find ways to operate more efficiently and reduce emissions, the iON-DRIVE is one solution that is available today, to reduce unnecessary fuel burn at idle.

“With the addition of the iON-DRIVE to our range of anti-idle solutions, we now have a solution for each unique application and can provide idle reduction for various haul cycle scenarios.”

Saft develops NMC ARROK battery tailored for off-road vehicles

Saft has launched ARROK® as a new breed of lithium-ion battery tailored, it says, for off-road industrial vehicles.

ARROK is designed to deliver both high energy content and fast charging within one hour. It maximises the availability of heavy-duty vehicles for all off-road markets including mining, the company says.

Vehicles for these sectors are produced in low volumes, but with a broad array of applications and requirements compared with the car industry. Therefore, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) need a battery solution that can easily be adapted to multiple vehicle types. Adopting a unique flexible approach reduces the lead time and expense of developing new vehicles and cuts down the requirement for type testing and certification, according to Saft.

The ARROK batteries are based on lithium nickel-manganese-cobalt oxide electrochemistry to offer the highest energy density for longer autonomy, it says. Saft’s century-long experience also ensures reliable operation over a long cycle life across a wide range of temperatures.

Franck Cecchi, Executive Vice President of Saft’s Mobility division, said: “Saft’s ARROK battery systems bring a new level of modularity. By combining top-notch voltage and energy capabilities, with a compact size of 216 Wh/L and one-hour charge, ARROK opens up new opportunities for OEMs to easily electrify their existing diesel vehicles or to design new electric models.”

ARROK batteries can be combined to create battery systems rated at 48-900 V, providing from 4.2-750 kWh energy storage capacity, enough to power small, medium or large industrial vehicles over a full day, with a one-hour break for recharging, it says.