Tag Archives: Marc Landry

Major Drilling eyes unique AI-powered offering with DGI/KORE partnership

Major Drilling Group International Inc has announced a new partnership with downhole technology company DGI Geoscience Inc (DGI) and its affiliate company, artificial intelligence (AI)-powered core logging tech innovator, KORE GeoSystems Inc, that, it says, positions Major Drilling at the forefront of AI advancements in the drilling industry.

The combination of Major Drilling’s fleet, skilled drilling teams and its TrailBlazer Rock5 technology, with KORE’s digital rock analysis platform, provides the opportunity to deliver valuable data to customers, Major Drilling says. This is complemented by the borehole data acquisition services offered by DGI to provide a unique service offering in the industry today, it added.

Denis Larocque, President and CEO of Major Drilling, said: “This alliance is a continuation of Major Drilling’s progression in drilling innovation, and also part of our growth strategy as we invest in the future of mining.”

Marc Landry, newly appointed Chief Technology Officer, added: “As our traditional drilling services evolve, the full complement of DGI/KORE products and services alongside Major Drilling’s developing technologies will see our service offering transform and help our customers during this mining upcycle. For example, KORE uses AI to automate processing of core logging, greatly reducing time and improving consistency, enabling our customers to get real-time, remote access to results across the globe.”

Under the agreement, Major Drilling will acquire an approximate 40% interest in DGI/KORE for a C$15 million ($10.8 million) cash consideration. As part of this investment, Canadian Shield Capital, a Toronto-based growth equity firm, is selling its interest in DGI/KORE.

The value of this transaction for Major Drilling resides in adding geological solutions to its specialised drilling, providing a unique service offering that encompasses the latest advanced technology, it says. This investment supports the company’s efforts to position itself as the contractor of choice to the drilling industry by providing solutions to help accelerate customers’ projects with timely and quality data contributing to their geological model.

Vince Gerrie, President and CEO of KORE, said: “We are thrilled to support Major Drilling with KORE’s cutting-edge SPECTOR integrated technology suite. Our transformative AI powered digital core logging platform significantly increases productivity, consistency and enhances data insights for our customers.”

Chris Drielsma, President and CEO of DGI, said: “Through our powerful new partnership with Major Drilling, the mining sector can access turnkey geological, geophysical and geotechnical drillside orebody intelligence solutions. We are very excited to be part of this evolution of drill performance, helping maximise the value from drilling through our geoscience solutions.”

Major Drilling ready to deploy MEDATech robotic rod handling solution at exploration sites

Specialised drilling contractor, Major Drilling, has joined forces with MEDATech’s Borterra division to start deploying a robotic rod-handling solution for use in its exploration drilling projects.

RodBot™ is a hydraulic robotic handler that eliminates manual rod and casing handling, according to MEDATech. Suitable for mining, construction and the oil & gas industry, it can be adapted to work on virtually any piece of drilling equipment.

RodBot has three control modes:

  • Manual control whereby the operator has manual control of each moving element of the arm through a radio remote;
  • Tip control computer assistance to allow the operator to control the arm moving the drill pipe in a linear motion. Single-axis input on the joystick translates to the pipe, moving in a straight line either vertically or horizontally out from the arm base; and
  • Semi-autonomous control where the RodBot moves along a path determined by the operator and/or is automatically adapted to the current mast position. The operator has hands-on control and can start/stop at any time if safety is ever in question.

“Rod handling is the part of drilling historically most prone to accidents,” observes Marc Landry, VP Technology & Logistics at Major Drilling. “Major Drilling is committed to reducing risk for our employees and so we are pleased to have found a solution that really works—the MEDATech Borterra RodBot.”

According to MEDATech President & CEO, Robert Rennie, the magic of RodBot is really in the software. “Thanks to electric-hydraulic operation it’s very robust and precise, it’s easier to use than most video games,” he says. “The learning curve is quick in every mode – manual, tip control and auto.”

The collaboration between MEDATech and Major Drilling began in 2021, with MEDATech’s newly-developed RodBot. The two companies worked together to refine the machine through trial and experimentation. The robotic rod-handling solution now saves time in addition to being 100% hands-free, according to the companies.

Major Drilling provided significant guidance on the development of the RodBot’s grapple, while MEDATech refined everything from the machine’s fine motor control to its software. This led to Major Drilling recently entering into an agreement with MEDATech for exclusive rights to RodBot for use in exploration diamond drilling, everywhere Major Drilling operates.

RodBot has what robotics engineers call “go” and “no-go” areas: zones within the arm’s reach in which it’s safe to operate and zones where it’s not, MEDATech explains. That includes defining zones where there is equipment in the way and must be avoided.

“With RodBot, an operator can program a starting point, an ending point, and the robot will calculate the most efficient path, including navigating around any defined obstacles, using collision-avoidance software built into the robotic operating software,” the company says.

RodBot can be mounted on a drill rig, pipe tub, tracks, or be set beside the drill on a skid. The operator can define and modify no-go zones for both the path taken by the robotic arm and exclusionary zones for the drill setup at each new location.

“The rod movements are fast and consistent,” explains Borterra Division Manager, Taylor Davies. “The controls are easy to master and RodBot significantly reduces the potential for human error.”

RodBot can, according to MEDATech, be retrofitted onto existing cranes and drill rigs, attached to pipe tubs or mounted on a skid. Borterra can also supply a dedicated hydraulic powerpack (diesel, gas, or electric), help integrate an existing hydraulic system, or supply the information required to carry out a retrofit.