Tag Archives: MINExpo 2024

IMDEX focused on ‘find, define and mine’ solutions at MINExpo 2024

IMDEX plans to reveal the latest advances in its production mining tools and software at MINExpo INTERNATIONAL 2024, in Las Vegas, USA, later this this month.

IMDEX Chief Technology Officer, John Hickey, said the tools and software assisted mining and exploration companies to safely find, define and mine orebodies with precision and at speed.

“Location, geochemistry, mineralogy and structure define the rock,” Hickey said. “Our tools capture and analyse the data on each element.

“Structure becomes even more important with deeper exploration and lower-grade orebodies. We have been focused on developing market-leading tools to enable the collection of structural data for more than 20 years.”

IMDEX tools and software break down information siloes and gather critical data to the deliver the best results from drill, survey or geological evaluations, the company added.

Specific to the MINExpo event, IMDEX will promote:

  • BLASTDOG™ – a semi-autonomous system for multi-parameter measurement of blastholes, which allows automated spatial domaining of material characteristics and fracturing in ore and waste;
  • OMNIx™ and BOLT™ (underground) – a production-hole survey tools for underground applications measuring blasthole deviation using a north-seeking gyro;
  • IMDEXHUB-IQ™ – a solution that provides secure access to validated field data, which is transmitted from a range of sub-surface instrumentation, analytical instruments and mobile form data inputs; and
  • Bore Hole Stabiliser™ (BHS™) – a multifunctional product formulated specifically for air-drilling applications, particularly drill and blast applications. It helps prevent a wide range of downhole problems including poor collaring, hole decay or sidewall instability; provides a degree of lubrication to the hole; and will improve the lifting capacity of the air stream for cuttings transportation.

“BLASTDOG is a game changer,” Hickey said. “Its unique, eight-arm calliper is able to ‘feel’ the side of the blasthole, giving the drill and blast engineers information about the diameter of the hole along the entire hole length. It can detect voids and other structures to assist in modelling.

“Downhole survey tools such as the OMNIx deliver an accurate trace of the hole path and because the data is captured in IMDEXHUB-IQ, it is connected to the structural data and readings are uploaded almost immediately.

“This remains a breakthrough, by eliminating spreadsheets and data imports from files. IMDEXHUB-IQ manages the acquisition and collation of these different datasets with full chain of custody protocols.”

MINExpo 2024 will run from September 24-26, 2024, at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Epiroc whets the electrification appetite for MINExpo 2024

Less than a month out from MINExpo INTERNATIONAL 2024 in Las Vegas, Jérôme Cloué, Vice President of Electrification for Epiroc, talked up numerous electrification launches/debuts at the show that would go a long way to helping its customers achieve their sustainability targets.

During a visit to Boliden’s Rävliden mine, part of the Kristineberg complex, in in northern Sweden in late August to highlight the Epiroc Minetruck MT42 SG Battery vehicle running on an 800-m trolley test track underground, Cloué said the company was expecting to make many announcements at the show, including some that fit into the “zero carbon” category.

Epiroc, as part of its sustainability goals, has outlined 2025 and 2030 dates for having fossil-free options in place for its underground and surface mining product lines, respectively. Cloué was confident the company would meet these targets, however it is unlikely these will be exclusively battery-electric options – especially at the top end of the surface drilling product line where the company is leveraging cable-electric power for each drill in the Pit Viper series, for instance.

In the meantime, Epiroc is also working with clients on certifying the use of biodiesel in its existing diesel-powered fleet for “immediate” decarbonisation benefits. Cloué said the surface drilling fleet is already compatible with biofuel (HVO100), with the underground load and haul, and drilling fleets set to follow shortly.

The company is also continuing to advance its work on repurposing batteries used in its mining equipment for secondary life applications. Outside of mining, the company has signed a partnership with Renewmic, whereby a battery previously used to power one of Epiroc’s battery-electric vehicles is helping to support and stabilise the Swedish power grid through frequency containment reserve services. Cloué expects to see more of these examples crop up in mining in the future, strengthening the business case for battery-electric machines through an extension of the battery’s working life.

He is also expecting further collaborations such as the one Epiroc highlighted with Boliden and ABB at the Kristineberg operation last week.

“Mining houses and suppliers are realising that the way to accelerate the [electrification] transformation is through collaboration,” he told IM. “We are looking to work with other partners like ABB on future projects.”

Movex Innovation to showcase line of ultra-compact mini loaders at MINExpo

Movex Innovation is set to showcase its line of ultra-compact electric, remote-controlled mini loaders, designed to tackle spillage and blockages in a range of applications, at MINExpo 2024, in Las Vegas, next month.

Material spillage continually challenges mine worldwide and poses significant operational and safety concerns. Traditional clean-up methods, such as manual shovelling and water hoses, are labour-intensive, hazardous and inefficient. They often lead to extended downtimes, increased operational costs and elevated risks to worker safety.

This is where the MINIDOZER 27” and MINIDOZER 48” ultra-compact mini loaders for mines and quarries come in.

Movex Innovation’s MINIDOZERs offer a transformative solution, the company says. Engineered for maximum efficiency and safety, these mini loaders can be used while conveyor systems are running, with the compact size allowing operations to access the hardest-to-reach areas.

The mini loaders require no certifications to operate and work perfectly in extreme heat and cold, according to the company, which says it offers comprehensive support and training. They also offer impressive battery life in any temperature conditions, according to the company.

MINExpo 2024 is due to run from September 24 to September 26 at the Las Vegas Convention Center