IM Webinars
International Mining partners with select companies in the mining technology space to discuss advances across the mining and mineral processing ecosystem. Broadcast live, but now available as on-demand media, these webinars include insights from technology experts, plus interactive audience Q&A.
Advancements in Depressant Technology Enabling Full NaSH Replacement in Cu-Mo Separation
For decades, sodium hydrosulphide (NaSH) has been the go-to inorganic depressant for copper-molybdenum separation. But with growing demands, market pressures and environmental concerns, the shortcomings of inorganic depressants, such as NaSH, have become more evident than ever. High dosages, toxic exposure, safety risks, performance variability – these are just some of the industry’s hindrances.
In this webinar, Advancements in Depressant Technology Enabling Full NaSH Replacement in Cu-Mo Separation, Syensqo (formerly part of the Solvay Group) technical specialists will introduce an innovative, sustainable alternative to NaSH depressants: AERO® NR-7361.
This technology is chemically stable and safer to apply than other depressants under a wide pH range, with air or nitrogen, without concern for product degradation or H2S formation. And, on top of this, it can replace 70-100% of the NaSH currently used in copper-molybdenum separation.
Watch the webinar to find out more…
Avances en la technologia de depresore s que permiten la sustitucion parcial o total del NaSH en la separacion de Cu-Mo
Durante décadas, el sulfhidrato de sódio (NaSH) ha sido el depresor inorgánico más utilizadopara la separación del cobre y el molibdeno. Pero con la creciente demanda, las presiones delmercado y la preocupación por el medio ambiente. Las deficiencias de los depresoresinorgánicos, como el NaSH, se han vuelto más evidentes que nunca. Dosis elevadas,exposición tóxica, riesgos para la seguridad, variabilidad del rendimiento – estos son sóloalgunos de los obstáculos de la industria.
En este seminario web, Avances en la tecnología de depresores que permiten la completasustitución del NaSH en la separación de Cu-Mo, los especialistas técnicos de Syensqopresentarán una alternativa innovadora y sostenible a los depresores inorgánicos como elNaSH: AERO® NR-7361.
Esta tecnología es químicamente estable y más segura de aplicar que otrosdepresores en un amplio rango de pH, con aire o nitrógeno, sin preocuparsepor la degradación del producto o la formación de H 2 S. Y, además, puede sustituirel 70-100% del NaSH utilizado actualmente en la separación de cobre y molibdeno.
Mire el seminario web para obtener más información…
In 2022, International Mining and MineSense have partnered on a series of webinars focused on unlocking new orebody knowledge at the mine face. Moderated by IM Editor Dan Gleeson with a panel of MineSense and global mining experts, the first webinar in the series will discuss how MineSense’s digital mining solutions – headed up by its flagship ShovelSense technology – enable precise ore-in-waste and waste-in-ore routing decisions that can increase profitability and improve sustainability.
In the first webinar in the series, ‘Ore Sorting at the Extraction Face’ Learn how real-time shovel-based ore sorting at the face can help reconcile block models, improve grade control and verify ore/waste boundaries in this interactive session, featuring real-life examples from global mining operations.
In the second webinar in the series, we discuss how MineSense’s digital mining solutions – headed up by its flagship ShovelSense technology – enable automated smart truck diversions to take place at the extraction face – providing the biggest bang for your buck.
Learn how real-time shovel-based ore sorting at the face, combined with automated smart truck diversion, can result in increased ore recovery, reduced dilution and optimised energy and water efficiency. Hear all about how ShovelSense is keeping operations informed from global mining operators that are leveraging the technology.
For International Mining and MineSense’s third and final joint webinar of the 2022 series, we home in how these solutions are providing mining operations with more than just grade-based data and effectively reconciling the whole mine-to-mill reconciliation process through the use of hard data (not simulations).
On top of a lively discussion with three MineSense experts, we hear from Copper Mountain’s Michael Westendorf and Gordon Frost on how the company is receiving value from equipping its full ore and waste loading fleet with ShovelSense®, plus how the inclusion of BeltSense® data and advanced process control tools may lead to improved recoveries in the plant.