Metals Economics Group (MEG) is adding its mining industry expertise to CESCO’s International Exploration Forum in Santiago, Chile in the form of a keynote presentation by Michael Chender, CEO, on Monday, April 16th, 2012. He is to provide “an overview of global and regional exploration trends; recent and current exploration results, including significant drill results and initial resource announcements; and factors that will influence exploration spending this year.”
Exploration allocations for all regions increased to record highs in 2011, led by the largest dollar increases in Latin America and Africa. Latin America remained the most popular exploration destination, attracting 25% of global spending in 2011, with six countries: Mexico, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, and Argentina accounting for the lion’s share of the region’s total. Gold led the way in Latin America, with increased exploration allocations in Colombia, Guyana, Brazil, and Mexico; base metals slipped to its smallest share in more than a decade. CESCO week is an annual gathering of the global mining industry’s most important leaders Organised by the Centre for Copper and Mining studies, the event provides a venue for discussion and analysis of the current challenges and opportunities, and a space to make valuable contacts.