
PYBAR awarded underground contract for Red River’s Far West zinc mine

Posted on 6 Jul 2018

Red River Resources has confirmed PYBAR has been chosen to carry out contract mining at its Far West underground zinc mine, part of its Thalanga operations in Queensland, Australia, for a term of at least seven years.

This is PYBAR’s third contract with Red River – it is already carrying out surface development work at Far West and undertaking underground mining operations at the West 45 underground mine (both at Thalanga).

Development activities at Far West kicked off in May, with the company saying today (July 6) that the first Far West decline cut had been completed (see photo). This should lead to first ore from Far West in early 2019.

Far West has a current JORC reserve of 1.5 Mt at 12% zinc equivalent and a minimum mine life of five years. It is the down-dip extension of the Thalanga West mineralisation, and is classified as volcanogenic-massive-sulphide-style of mineralisation where copper, zinc, lead and silver mineralisation is found associated with sulphide minerals. It is located some 500m from the Thalanga mill and 1km from the West 45 mine.