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21 May 2013
RPM releases latest version of haulage and loading software
RungePincokMinarco (RPM) has released the latest version of the TALPAC 10.2.1 software, used for helping...
21 May 2013
Tenova Pyromet replaces equipment at Assmang Chrome Machadodorp Furnace No 2
Tenova Pyromet, part of Tenova Mining & Minerals, has successfully completed the replacement of Assmang...
20 May 2013
AIMEX returns to Sydney in late August
AIMEX is returning to Sydney in late August, showcasing the lates mining equipment, products and...
20 May 2013
The 3rd Annual Resources & Energy Investment Symposium begins
The 3rd Annual Resources & Energy Investment Symposium (REIS) will begin this week (20-22 May)...
20 May 2013
Multotec release new polyurethane screen panel
Multotec has released a polyurethane screen panel named TeePee which is designed to improve cost...
17 May 2013
International Goldfields diamond drilling results, $50 million development for Braúna diamond project, fresh high-grade gold and silver discovered at Tembang gold-silver project and much, much more
The latest issue of International Mining Project News, today, has reports on 26 prefeasibility studies,...
17 May 2013
ICMM release 'Responsible reporting for mineral assets' report
ICMM has released a report titled Responsible reporting of mineral assets describing the work of the...
17 May 2013
World Gold Council Gold Demand Trends indicates 12% increase in demand for gold jewellery
The latest World Gold Council Gold Demand Trends report, covering the period of January to...
16 May 2013
A viable alternative to cyanide in gold recovery
Zhichang Liu a postdoctoral fellow at Illinois’ Northwestern University, and colleagues, have discovered of a new gold...
16 May 2013
Are you managing your tailings in the most efficient way?
Ahead of the June issue focus on paste tailings comes information on a new Tailings...
16 May 2013
Tire pressure monitoring upgrades for PressurePro ITM
Advantage PressurePro, provider of commercial tire pressure monitoring technology has  several upgrades and technology developments...
16 May 2013
MICROMINE to showcase new software releases at Austmine 2013
MICROMINE will showcase its latest exploration and mining software solutions at the Austmine International Exhibition...