Tag Archives: Orica

Orica helps reduce drill and blast nitrate levels at Gahcho Kué diamond mine

Orica says it is collaborating with De Beers Canada Inc (DBCI) at its majority-owned Gahcho Kué diamond mine in Canada to improve the drill and blast process and significantly reduce nitrate concentrations under the ‘Building Forever – Protecting the Natural World’ Initiative.

Located in northern Canada’s sub-Arctic region, the Gahcho Kué diamond mine is a joint venture between DBCI (51%) and Mountain Province Diamonds Inc (49%). As the operator, De Beers is committed to high safety and sustainability standards, with a deep respect for the land and its surrounding pristine water bodie, it says.

Since the mine’s inception, Orica and De Beers have worked together to mitigate the environmental impact of blasting. The environmental monitoring team at Gahcho Kué noted increasing nitrate levels in mine water, a known issue with bulk mining explosives. Although nitrate and ammonium levels were within regulatory limits, De Beers proactively sought to reduce nitrate generation.

In 2020, De Beers engaged Orica to review the drill and blast process to align with industry best practices and improve safety and efficiency. Orica applied the Nitrate Risk Reduction (NRR) framework, a three-tiered approach to systematically reduce nitrate contributions from blasting in water. The NRR process identifies nitrate sources from blasting and implements managed changes to reduce them. These changes include minimising bulk explosive waste, maximising detonation reliability and efficiency, and selecting products suited to the mine’s groundwater conditions and sleep time requirements. The site team reinforced best practices on-bench as part of the NRR strategy, introducing i-kon™ III electronic detonators to reduce misfires.

After establishing best practices on the bench and in blast design, the site launched a pilot program in early 2022 to evaluate Fortis™ Protect. This bulk system, featuring a specially formulated emulsion blend and a modified delivery system on an Orica Mobile Manufacturing Unit (MMU™), further reduces nitrates after best practices are implemented, according to Orica.

Orica’s Technical Service Lead, Steve Jackson, said: “Partnering with our valued client De Beers since the start of mining operations at Gahcho Kué has shown the true power of team work. Their insights, dedication and trust have ensured the success of the nitrate emission reduction project. This partnership has inspired us to develop a commercial offering that meets the stringent demands for sustainable mining practices. It is a privilege to work with such an exceptional team, whose commitment to excellence drives us towards a more sustainable and forward-thinking future in the mining industry.”

Upon completing the pilot program and a rigorous eight-month evaluation, the site transitioned to using Fortis Protect 70 as the primary bulk explosive at the end of 2022. The environmental team at Gahcho Kué regularly monitors nitrate concentrations in mine water. Year-to-year results show a 79% decrease in nitrate levels in 2023 compared with 2017. Switching to Fortis Protect has significantly reduced nitrate loading in surrounding water bodies that drain into Great Slave Lake, according to Orica. A full year of data has been collected, and a multi-year monitoring program is underway to verify the long-term effects of using Fortis Protect compared with the previous explosive on site.

Orica’s Manager of Marketing, Surface Explosives, Yosep Irsana, said: “Orica’s Nitrate Risk Reduction framework is not just about tackling nitrate leaching; it is about forging a sustainable future for our customers. Rooted in innovation, Orica is dedicated to solving our customers’ challenges. Our collaboration with key partners like Gahcho Kué highlights our commitment to effective frameworks. With confidence in our strategic pillars, we are delivering smart solutions and partnering for progress in action. Together, we cultivate a challenge, nurturing growth while safeguarding the environment.”

MCi Carbon progresses carbon capture and utilisation plant at Orica Kooragang Island site

Australian clean technology developer MCi Carbon has, today, held a foundation ceremony for its carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) plant ‘Myrtle’, currently under construction at Orica’s Kooragang Island site.

Funded by a A$14.6 million ($9.7 million) federal government grant, the plant is aimed at scaling up the development and demonstration of an engineering process called mineral carbonation, which transforms captured carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into building products and other valuable materials.

The technology has the potential to provide a cost-competitive solution for decarbonising hard-to-abate industries globally and contributing to the circular economy, according to MCi Carbon.

Orica Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Sanjeev Gandhi, said the project, which is expected to be operational by 2025, aligns with Orica’s sustainability and commercial goals.

“The energy transition requires careful planning and policy coordination between governments, regulators, energy suppliers, consumers and the broader private sector,” he said. “This ceremony today is a great example of business and government working together to drive innovation for a better tomorrow, as we transition towards a lower carbon future, together.

“We are proud to partner with MCi Carbon, industry, academia and the government as they scale this important technology.”

The CCU plant will source its CO2 directly from Orica’s ammonia manufacturing facility, capturing around 1,000 t of the greenhouse gas annually. In addition to supplying the feedstock, Orica has supported the project by providing land, access to utilities and significant technical expertise.

Partnering with MCi Carbon is the latest example of Orica’s commitment to decarbonising its operations. Recently, the company completed a A$37 million project to install tertiary abatement technology on the Kooragang Island site’s three nitric acid plants, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 50%. That equates to 11% of all chemical process across Australia.

The tertiary abatement project will continue to eliminate 567,000 t of CO2 equivalent from the site each year, which is equal to the emissions from 50,000 homes.

Orica’s Champ Navigator2 to offer high-density true vertical continuous survey measurement

Orica has announced the release of its latest Champ Navigator2™ technology, to enable operators to measure with greater accuracy in more orientations.

Champ Navigator2 is the latest iteration of Axis Mining Technology portfolio of engineering complex surveying measurements into driller operable hardware.

Orica’s purpose is to sustainably mobilise the earth’s resources, and precise knowledge of resource location is essential data that supports each phase of the value chain from exploration to processing. The accurate identification and orientation of every borehole serves as pivotal information in orebody characterisation and significantly influences critical operational processes such as mine planning, grade control, dilution management and blending.

Developed by Orica Digital Solutions in Tewkesbury, England, the Axis team have a track record of delivering innovative and integrated measurement solutions, Orica says. With a design ethos that goes beyond the measurement hardware to incorporate workflows to maximise driller productivity, the Champ Navigator2 is likely to be another product that drillers choose to use, delivering the survey quality that geologists demand, the company claims. The combination of this hardware with complementary software is expected to significantly accelerate and enhance mining workflows.

Champ Navigator2 enhances the standard Champ Navigator by offering high-density true vertical continuous survey measurement while significantly improving North-Seek azimuth accuracy and repeatability across all measurement modes. Adding high-speed, high-density vertical continuous surveying that does not rely on data interpolation leads to higher quality surveys and reduced survey times, improving both drilling productivity and survey quality, according to Orica. This improvement not only enhances productivity but also minimises standby costs for customers.

Orica Digital Solutions Vice President, Rajkumar Mathiravedu, said: “Orica Digital Solutions is continually expanding our offerings to solve more of our customers’ challenges, and Axis is at the forefront of this in the Orebody Intelligence space. Our global team of hardware and software engineers build the best-in-class user experience not just for the initial users of the tools or recipients of the data, but for any divisions who need the data for downstream operations.”

High-speed continuous survey capability is flexible to all drilling environments, underground or surface. Orica added: “Confidence begins at the collar with a measured North Seek azimuth and extends to the intuitive driller-friendly operating interface that supports effective survey execution.”

Mathiravedu concluded: “Orica has been shaping the future of mining for 150 years, and our digital solutions such as the Champ Navigator2 are a testament to our ongoing commitment to innovation, safety and delivering value for our customers.”

Orica and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries team up to tackle decarbonisation

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Orica have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore potential opportunities for collaboration on emission-reduction initiatives, aligned with Orica and MHI’s shared decarbonisation ambitions.

The collaboration will leverage MHI’s reputation for manufacturing excellence and innovation, as well as Orica’s existing presence and emerging opportunities in the global renewable hydrogen and ammonia markets, the companies say.

The collaboration covers various areas of mutual interest, including:

  • Exploring technology deployment opportunities for renewable hydrogen and renewable ammonia production near Orica’s facilities in Newcastle and Gladstone, Australia;
  • Creating demand opportunities for renewable hydrogen and renewable ammonia in the power generation, maritime, industrial and agricultural industries;
  • Investigating activities to further reduce emissions from Orica’s existing operations.

Orica says it is building a strong pathway towards achieving net zero emissions by latest 2050, while positioning the business for a lower carbon world. Orica’s continued partnerships and investment in decarbonisation and the production of renewable hydrogen and renewable ammonia will support Orica’s sustainability goals and also support the individual goals of existing and future customers, including in key Asian growth markets such as Japan.

Orica Chief Development and Sustainability Officer, Andrew Stewart, said: “We are delighted to partner with MHI, a company that shares our vision and commitment to a more sustainable future. This collaboration signals another step towards building Orica’s climate resilience and opportunities to support further growth while supporting our customers to achieve their ESG goals. We look forward to working with MHI to explore potential emissions reduction opportunities for our organisations and our customers.”

On the signing of the MoU, Dr Hitoshi Kaguchi, Senior Executive Vice President at MHI responsible for energy transition and the expansion of growth fields, said: “It is a great honour to be able to collaborate with Orica, a leader in decarbonising hard to abate industry and developing low carbon fuel value chain in Australia. We are looking forward to contributing to Orica’s net zero ambition through our reliable technology in the future.”

Orica, Caterpillar to provide customers with high-fidelity rock property information

Orica and Caterpillar Inc have confirmed they are teaming up to improve real-time data exchange and integrate workflows across the mining value chain.

The collaboration is aimed at providing customers with intelligence to improve decision making and optimise their entire operations, with the announcement following a mention of this tie-up in Orica’s most recent FY2023 financial year results webcast.

The mining industry has started to unlock the potential of combining data, sensors and intelligence to optimise workflows for real-time decision making and value chain optimisation, the companies said. Digitally integrated workflows enable customers to achieve a step change in safety, productivity, recovery and sustainability outcomes for their operations.

“To realise the full potential across the entire value chain, technology domain leaders, customers and academia need to increase collaboration in an open ecosystem to develop integrated, end-to-end operational workflows which link orebody intelligence, drilling and blasting, material characterisation and processing,” they said.

Recognising this, Orica and Caterpillar have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore opportunities to integrate key elements of their respective domains. The initial focus will be on the potential integration between Orica’s Rhino™, BlastIQ™, and FRAGTrack™ technologies with Cat® MineStar™ Terrain.

The goal of this integrated workflow is to provide customers with high-fidelity rock property information enabling significant improvements to on-bench safety, drilling and blasting program accuracy and productivity, along with higher quality blast outcomes that generate enhanced mill performance.

In the future, the two companies intend to extend their collaboration to optimisation of the entire value chain, from mine to mill. This approach aligns with both organisations’ ambitions to create sustainable solutions and services that will build the momentum for more intelligent and solution-driven mining ecosystems.

Sean McGinnis, Vice President of Technology & Global Sales Support, Caterpillar, said: “Our customers are looking for every opportunity to optimise the productivity and safety of their mining and processing operations. By combining and leveraging the insights unlocked by Orica and Caterpillar’s technologies, we will be able to provide customers greater access and visibility to the data and information they need to make, better real-time business decisions.”

Rajkumar Mathiravedu, Vice President of Orica Digital Solutions, said: “The mining industry requires greater collaboration amongst its leading technology players to build connected workflows across different domains to address the current issue of value-leakage arising from traditional and disconnected silos. Collaborative end-to-end ecosystems are critical to harnessing the full potential of advances in sensors, data processing and intelligence to enable the development of safer, more sustainable, and productive methods of resource recovery.

“Orica Digital Solutions is excited to be working with Caterpillar across a range of domains as we aim to better connect the digital and physical worlds to give our customers more timely and actionable insights across their value chains.”

Orica and Caterpillar set for mine to mill collaboration

Orica’s Digital Solutions segment continues to make major inroads across the mining value chain, with its latest mine to mill initiative set to involve a collaboration with Caterpillar.

Speaking during the company’s FY23 financial results webcast, Sanjeev Gandhi, Orica Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, said demand for software, sensors and data science continued to increase as orebodies become increasingly hard to find and extract against a backdrop of high commodity prices and increasing ESG obligations and commitments.

“Customers are continuing to seek operational efficiencies across the mining value chain and unlocking the value of digitisation and automated workflows is key to achieving these efficiencies,” he said.

Orica was reporting Digital Solutions’ first full year result, with Gandhi highlighting a doubling of earnings alongside a significant improvement in margins.

“This was driven by growth across all three sub-verticals, namely Orebody intelligence, Blast design and Execution solutions, GroundProbe,” he said.

The Digital Solutions business has been identified as one of Orica’s key growth verticals as it continues to build and invest in the next generation of digital technologies and solutions, beyond its blasting core.

This was witnessed during the company’s most recent financial year, when, among other developments, it acquired Axis Mining Technology, a leader in the design, development and manufacture of specialised geospatial tools and instruments for the mining industry; as well as released what it said was its most innovative fragmentation monitoring solution yet, FRAGTrack Gantry.

Gandhi said: “Innovation continues to be a focus, and this year we have released 15 new digital features, with a focus on artificial intelligence-based solutions to support our customers.”

And, as the industry and Orica’s customers look to solve their biggest challenges through partnership, Gandhi announced its new collaboration with Caterpillar, saying the two companies had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore opportunities to integrate key elements of their respective domains.

He explained: “The initial focus will be on the potential integration between Orica’s Rhino™, BlastIQ™ and FRAGTrack™ technologies with Cat® MineStar™ Terrain technologies.”

Rhino (graphic pictured above) is an autonomous drill string-mounted geophysical sensor that measures unconfined compressive strength while drilling. It enhances orebody knowledge in real-time, enabling miners to make better blast planning, improve fragmentation profiles and increase throughput, according to Orica. The technologies in the BlastIQ platform, meanwhile, are, Orica says, designed to deliver economic and operational value individually, with the benefits maximised when integrated in a systemised process. And finally, FRAGTrack is Orica’s state-of-the-art fragmentation measurement tool designed to provide rapid insights into the outcome of blasting processes.

Caterpillar says of MineStar Terrain: “Cat MineStar Terrain uses high-precision guidance technologies, material tracking and more to help your machines work according to plan – increasing efficiency, reducing variability and helping you get the most out of your drilling, digging, loading and grading operations…The solution helps you increase drill capacity, crusher throughput and material accuracy while driving consistency in payloads and bench heights.”

Gandhi said on this MoU: “The goal of this integrated workflow is to provide customers with high-fidelity rock property information enabling significant improvements to on-bench safety, drilling and blasting program accuracy and productivity, along with higher quality blast outcomes that generate enhanced mill performance.”

In the future, the two companies intend to extend their collaboration to optimisation of the entire value chain, from mine to mill, according to Gandhi, who said the approach aligned with both organisations’ ambitions to create sustainable solutions and services that will build the momentum for more intelligent and solution-driven mining ecosystem.

Orica releases BlastIQ Underground to improve blasting performance

Orica has announced the release of its latest BlastIQ™ Underground technology, which, it says, improves underground blasting performance with integrated digital solutions.

Developed by Orica Digital Solutions, BlastIQ Underground provides quality control and improved drill and blast productivity for superior blast outcomes, the company says. Enabling underground operations to efficiently manage their blasting process, from planning to post-blast analysis, with user-friendly reporting, analytics, and information management.

The suite of technologies improves blast productivity with the digital communication of blast designs, including the re-application of charging designs in response to hole locations. The digital collection and management of drilling data empower engineers to identify opportunities for continuous improvement of drilling and charging operations, the company says.

Orica Vice President Digital Solutions, Rajkumar Mathiravedu, said: “Orica is continually growing its digital offerings for customers to align with the swift digital transformation across the industry.

“Our software ensures that every blast is executed precisely, and the desired outcomes are achieved. This level of accuracy translates into significant cost savings and improved resource utilisation for our customers. To better cater to our customers, we are amassing a digital technology portfolio that complements our core blasting technologies such as 4D Underground, WebGen and Avatel.”

BlastIQ Underground enables customers to streamline their workflows, reduce operational costs and gain a competitive edge in the market, according to Orica.

Mathiravedu concluded: “We are shaping the future of underground mining and our digital solutions are a testament to our ongoing commitment to innovation, safety, productivity and sustainability.”

BlastIQ Underground can also help reduce the environmental footprint of mining operations, according to Orica. The software’s precision drilling and blasting capabilities minimises ground vibrations, air overpressure and environmental impact of blasting activities.

Orica’s electronic blasting systems receive an upgrade

Customers of Orica’s eDev™ II and uni tronic™ 600 electronic blasting systems are set to experience more efficient and productive operations, thanks to an update to both platforms, the ASX-listed company says.

The updated eDev II (pictured) and uni tronic 600 Electronic Blasting Systems (EBS) have been integrated with the field-proven Blaster 3000 currently used with the i-kon III System, Orica says. The Blaster 3000 will serve as a common blast box platform to deliver an improved user experience and blasting capabilities for Orica customers using eDev II and uni tronic 600.

Blaster 3000 is the blast box hardware for Orica’s flagship i-kon III EBS and is widely hailed for its superior precision and reliability, Orica says.

Orica Head of Initiating Systems, Dr Rodney Williams, said: “We are continually making blasting safer, easier and faster so that our customers can achieve more with less. The integration of our best technologies across our EBS product families demonstrates our commitment to delivering smarter solutions and adding value to our customers’ operations through technology and innovation.”

Designed for underground development and civil tunnelling operations, key highlights of the upgrades to eDev II, include remote firing capability enabling up to 800 detonators to be fired remotely, and improved firing precision to +/- 0.005% for greater precision and better blast outcomes.

The uni tronic 600 system, designed mainly for small surface mines and quarry and construction blasting operations, will now allow larger blasts to be fired remotely with synchronised firing capability for up to 1,600 detonators and starter detonator functionality also enabled through the upgrade.

The migration to the Blaster 3000 platform provides users with a range of additional benefits, including being able to store and access up to 30 blast reports to better support regulatory reporting and post-blast analysis.

Orica releases ‘world first’ lead-free non-electric detonator range

Orica says it is taking another step towards its purpose to sustainably mobilise the earth’s resources by announcing the commercial release of what it claims is the world’s first lead-free non-electric detonator range, Exel™ Neo.

Orica, the sole manufacturer of non-electric detonators in the Nordics, has upgraded its premium Exel product range to a safer and more sustainable product by removing lead while maintaining the same consistent and reliable product performance, it says.

Neo is Orica’s new brand for environmentally friendly, sustainable initiation systems products. The Neo range of Exel non-electric detonators is produced using a lead-free formulation in Gyttorp, Sweden, with no lead or lead compounds used in the manufacturing process of the pyrotechnic delay compositions.

In the industry, the Exel non-electric blasting technology range encompasses safety, innovation and excellence and is built based on the Non Primary Explosives Detonator (NPED) technology, successfully used by Orica for the last 30 years. The same as the original Exel range, the newly launched Exel Neo range is designed for use in civil infrastructure as well as surface and underground mining operations.

Orica Chief Technology Officer, Angus Melbourne, said: “Orica’s strategy is to deliver solutions and technology that drive productivity for our customers across the globe. With nearly 150 years of innovation and expertise, we continue to solve the industry’s challenges and are proud to offer a lead-free solution today, while maintaining the same trusted performance, storage and handling benefits. With our Neo range, we are offering a product that is free of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).”

Before being placed on the market in Europe, the Neo product range was successfully assessed and approved by the Explosive Notified Body as part of CE-marking certification in the European Union. The new fully lead-free products do not contain any SVHC according to the European Union’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation, Orica says.

Among some of the key benefits, the new product range is manufactured close to Orica’s customer base in Europe and includes distinct safety and environmental benefits, with lead or lead compounds removed from the production process and thus eliminated from release into environment.

Celebrating this milestone, Orica Group Executive and EMEA President, James Bonnor, added: “Orica is taking decisive steps to enable our industry’s transition towards a more sustainable future. We have invested in the state-of-the-art equipment in Sweden, including assembly machines and control systems, to ensure high quality of our products. The Exel Neo range is based on our NPED technology that’s been in the European market for 30 years.

“With the Neo addition, we have successfully developed, independently tested and trialled a lead-free alternative that can burn with the same accuracy as our current lead-based delay compositions. Importantly for our customers, independent external tests on timing accuracy and scatter patterns confirm that this new technology performs with the same reliability.

“The full Exel Neo range of non-electric detonators is available for order in Europe today.”

Orica brings ORBS centralised blasting system to underground mining sector

Orica’s next generation centralised blasting system, ORBS™, has made a leap into the digital world, with underground mining operations set to feel the benefits.

ORBS (Omni Remote Blasting System) is now available to i-kon™ and eDev™ customers. It is designed to provide operations with the ability to safely initiate multiple development headings and production blasts concurrently from a remote, central location.

Building on Orica’s flagship Blaster 3000 architecture, ORBS enables greater productivity by initiating up to 30 Remote Blaster 3000s, or up to 90,000 detonators, in one blast sequence, Orica says. Its browser-based interface provides users with full visual oversight of all connected hardware and detonators and has enabled a host of valuable new features, according to the company.

Orica’s Head of Initiating Systems, Dr Rodney Williams, said: “We’re focused on providing the latest innovations and technology advancements to our customers. Upgrading our electronic blasting systems is as much about strengthening the capability as it is about enhancing our customers’ experience. We were conscious about developing a secure, simple-to-use and powerful system, and we’ve achieved this with ORBS.”

A key feature of ORBS is that it’s a ‘plug and play’ system that doesn’t require customers to invest in additional infrastructure, according to Orica. It connects to a mine’s communication network over LAN, Wi-Fi or LTE and users operate the system from a similarly connected electronic device such as a PC, tablet or iPhone.

With improved firing capacity and compatibility with Orica’s range of electronic detonators (i-kon III and eDev II), ORBS provides customers with greater versatility, Orica added.