Tag Archives: VB Elnät

Nordic Iron and VB Elnät look to engineer mine power access solution at Blötberget

Nordic Iron Ore has entered an engineering agreement with VB Elnät to determine the required measures for connecting its Blötberget project in Sweden to the electric grid.

In order to re-start mining activity in Blötberget, Nordic Iron Ore needs access to a maximum capacity of 20 MW. The company has previously signed a letter of tntent with Hitachi Energy regarding installation and operations of a permanent 50/10 kV power station, which will supply the mining area with electrical power.

During construction of the mine and the power station, access to temporary power supply will be necessary to make preparatory work such as construction of ramp, lighting, ventilation and drainage of water.

In order for Nordic Iron Ore’s facility to connect to the power grid, VB Elnät must evaluate required measures in its own electric grid and prepare documentation for applications for necessary permits, partly for the temporary usage of electrical power and partly for the permanent connection of the 50/10 kV power station, the company said.

The indicative time plan for this planning is that Nordic Iron Ore will be able to use 1 MW during the autumn of 2023 and gradually increase its usage to a maximum capacity of 20 MW during 2024-2025.

Nordic Iron Ore was formed in 2008 with the main aims of resuming mining operations in Blötberget and Håksberg and conducting exploration of the expansion potential of the Väsman field, together forming the Ludvika Mines, in southern Dalarna.