Step-change in load and haul productivity, optimising digging and loading equipment
Step-change in load and haul productivity, optimising digging and loading equipment
April 10, 2014

CRCMining has developed world-leading capability to optimise equipment selection, bucket design and sizing, based on characterising dig conditions and machine performance, with sophisticated expertise in investigating and improving the performance of materials handling systems. Truck and shovel haulage systems typically operate well below their potential capacity, significantly impairing the productivity of load and haul mining[…]

Mining chemicals, wear protection, lubricants and Canadian mining supplies and services
Mining chemicals, wear protection, lubricants and Canadian mining supplies and services
April 9, 2014

In its JUNE 2014 issue, International Mining will feature its annual article on MINING CHEMICALS: enabling better thickening, dust suppression, water purification, environmental cleanup, mineral extraction and equipment maintenance. Key groups of chemicals are crucial for these tasks. Please let me have editorial contributions for consideration for inclusion in the article. I am looking for[…]

Increasing safety and reducing costs with collision warning systems
Increasing safety and reducing costs with collision warning systems
April 9, 2014

Booyco Electronics’ Collision Warning System (CWS) has provided the local and African mining industry with a cost effective and efficient way of increasing employee safety. The system effectively reduces downtime by eliminating collisions between vehicles, as well as collisions between vehicles and pedestrians. Pending legislation from the Department of Mineral Resources on the compulsory implementation[…]