
20 Jul 2009
First quarter coal market and Euracoal’s outlook for the future
Euracoal reports that for the first time in many years, the world market for hard...
19 Jul 2009
Aker and Wirth names come together
Earlier this year, Wirth became a fully controlled subsidiary of Aker Solutions. Wirth Maschinen- und...
19 Jul 2009
Flotation ‘09 program now available – great line up for November event
It is 103 years since froth flotation was patented, and it is often said to...
18 Jul 2009
Macquarie Research says Chinese demand growth surprises and brings good news for mines
The past week has seen the release of some figures on China's economic performance that...
17 Jul 2009
Project News paints a diverse metals and minerals picture
Latest issue of International Mining Project News available (July 17): This issue we cover a...
17 Jul 2009
The Pebble project: the future of US mining and metals
This headline is the latest message from Ronald W. Thiessen, President and CEO of Northern...
17 Jul 2009
Cat adds TS180 and TS220 towed scrapers to its product line
Caterpillar® has added four new towed-scraper models to its product line. The new towed-scraper models-TS180...
16 Jul 2009
Some green shoots for copper and its not oxidation
International Mining is just finalising its annual review of developments in copper extraction and in...
16 Jul 2009
Speech on Australian coal industry highlights major issues
Queensland Resources Council (QRC) Chief Executive Michael Roche delivered a major speech to a coal...
16 Jul 2009
“EPA ignores critical facts in singling out hardrock mining for ‘Superfund’ financial assurance requirements” – NMA
National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO, Hal Quinn, says "the US Environmental Protection Agency...
15 Jul 2009
New technology mines one of the world’s oldest chemicals
Joy Mining reports that the most successful application of longwall mining in US trona mines...
15 Jul 2009
NMA approves of new legislation to update General Mining Laws
The National Mining Association's (NMA) President and CEO, Hal Quinn, says the introduction of legislation,...