
21 Jun 2017
U-pgrade to be trialled at troubled Langer Heinrich uranium mine
Marenica Energy and Paladin Energy have agreed to conduct an U-pgradeTM amenability test work program...
19 Jun 2017
Lithium Selective Technologies confirms initial tests successful for lithium extraction process
Voltaic Minerals Corp reports that Lithium Selective Technologies (LiST) has provided an interim update from...
14 Jun 2017
Ucore consortium wins USDOE bid for rare earths from coal
As International Mining’s annual review article on tailings management closes for the July issue comes...
13 Jun 2017
DOE – $6.9 million for research on rare earth elements from coal and coal byproducts
The US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy is investing $6.9 million in...
12 Jun 2017
Comprehensive coverage of metallurgical matters at ALTA 2017
ALTA 2017, the 22nd annual ALTA conference was held 20-27 May in Perth, Australia. The...
07 Jun 2017
New tool for systematic mineral identification and near real-time analysis in exploration
An Australian technology that provides new knowledge on orebodies and associated alteration rapidly and cost-effectively...
01 Jun 2017
Global overcapacity in aluminium now on the G7 radar
Recognition by G7 countries of the aluminium industry's overcapacity as a result of non-compliant practices...
25 May 2017
Successful piloting completed by Hastings Technology Metals – all processing flowsheets tested
Hastings Technology Metals has successfully completed the crucial continuous hydromet pilot plant operations for the...
24 May 2017
EGA named aluminium company of the year at Platts Global Metals Awards
Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the largest industrial company in the United Arab Emirates outside oil...
24 May 2017
Yidu Xingfa Chemical awards DuPont contract for a 3,600 t/d MECS MAX3™ sulphuric acid plant
This project will make the Xingfa sulphuric acid plant one of the largest in China....
22 May 2017
Mining chemicals: Clariant and Huntsman to combine in merger of equals
As the IM June issue goes to press with the article on mining chemicals, Clariant...
22 May 2017
European mining conference & exhibition: second Metallic Mining Hall (MMH) for Seville
Area doubled compared to the first event as a response to exhibiting companies increasing demand...