
23 May 2017
Australia’s Solgold leading on tier-1 copper discovery in Ecuador as others jump into that new economy
An Australian company says its flagship Tier 1 copper gold discovery in Ecuador could potentially...
23 May 2017
BossTek new name for Dust Control Technology
A global leader in dust and odour control has announced a company name change that...
22 May 2017
European mining conference & exhibition: second Metallic Mining Hall (MMH) for Seville
Area doubled compared to the first event as a response to exhibiting companies increasing demand...
18 May 2017
Peru looking for closer Australian links in mining
A target of new mining investment worth $14 billion has been set by Latin American...
17 May 2017
acQuire introduces GIM Suite 3 for better geoscientific data management
Global mining software company and specialist in geoscientific information management (GIM) solutions, acQuire Technology Solutions...
11 May 2017
Boart Longyear launches global training program for drillers
Boart Longyear has launched its new global training program for drilling supervisors, drillers, driller assistants,...
10 May 2017
Rajant Kinetic Mesh to power in-air mesh networks for drones
Rajant has announced advancements in its Kinetic Mesh® Wireless Network technology that will power in-air...
09 May 2017
Argentina’s Arminera week may see signing of new Federal Mining Agreement
In its regular Hunt Mining Herald newsletter, mining company Hunt Mining Corp says the mining...
05 May 2017
Airware and senseFly global partnership to bring survey-grade aerial mapping to the enterprise
Airware, which provides end-to-end solutions that turn aerial data into actionable business intelligence for enterprises,...
04 May 2017
Hecla Senior Vice President – Exploration receives A.O. Dufresne Exploration Achievement Award
Hecla Mining’s Senior Vice President - Exploration, Dr Dean McDonald, received the A.O. Dufresne Exploration...
03 May 2017
MBE Minerals renews its investment in R&D plant at Mintek
Mineral processing specialists MBE Minerals SA is upgrading its investment in separation technology at Mintek,...
01 May 2017
Tribute Mining Agreement signed over Tongo-Tonguma, Sierra Leone
Stellar Diamonds has signed a legally binding conditional Tribute Mining Agreement and Revenue Share Agreement...