Orica & Fertiberia report world first use of low carbon technical ammonium nitrate in Spain
Orica & Fertiberia report world first use of low carbon technical ammonium nitrate in Spain
June 11, 2024

Orica and Fertiberia have partnered to successfully execute the first blast using low-carbon Technical Ammonium Nitrate (TAN) at the Canteras de Santullán calcium carbonate quarry in Spain. This milestone follows the announcement in September 2023, where Orica and Fertiberia unveiled their collaboration to provide low-carbon TAN to customers seeking sustainable blasting solutions. For the blast[…]

RCT boosts automation capabilities of Jevons Robotics ARTEV6000 explosives/stemming unit
RCT boosts automation capabilities of Jevons Robotics ARTEV6000 explosives/stemming unit
March 6, 2024

Jevons Robotics can now deliver explosives or stemming via its ARTEV6000 product using RCT’s remote control set either via line-of-sight or teleremote control, RCT reports. Implementing this technology has eliminated the need for personnel to conduct quality assurance or load the blast holes manually, removing exposure hours associated with highwalls, cavities and fatigue. The company[…]