Royal Nickel and construction of world's first processing plant to produce stainless steel directly using nickel sulphide concentrate
Royal Nickel and construction of world's first processing plant to produce stainless steel directly using nickel sulphide concentrate
April 1, 2014

Royal Nickel Corp reports that Tsingshan Holding, a party with whom RNC entered a strategic alliance in March 2013, is currently constructing the world’s first integrated nickel pig iron (NPI) plant to use nickel sulphide concentrate as part of the stainless steel production process. This innovation offers significant potential benefits to the producers of suitable[…]

ConocoPhillips Center for a Sustainable WE²ST established at Colorado School of Mines
ConocoPhillips Center for a Sustainable WE²ST established at Colorado School of Mines
March 28, 2014

Colorado School of Mines and ConocoPhillips have announced the establishment of the ConocoPhillips Center for a Sustainable WE²ST (Water-Energy Education, Science and Technology) at Colorado School of Mines with a leadership investment of $3 million in the university. The centre will focus on research and education that promote joint sustainability of unconventional energy production and[…]