ValeOre Metals considering Platsol, Falcon separator, Steinert ore sorting for Pedra Branca
ValeOre Metals considering Platsol, Falcon separator, Steinert ore sorting for Pedra Branca
November 3, 2020

ValeOre Metals Corp’s Pedra Branca platinum group element (PGE) project, in north-eastern Brazil, looks increasingly like leveraging the Platsol™ high temperature pressure leaching process judging by the latest test work. Metallurgical results from sample material collected from outcrops at the Trapia and Curiu deposits areas at Pedra Branca for two preliminary Platsol tests conducted at[…]

Anglo American, Glencore, Newcrest and Newmont join coarse particle recovery consortium
Anglo American, Glencore, Newcrest and Newmont join coarse particle recovery consortium
October 15, 2020

Researchers from The University of Queensland’s Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI) have signed an agreement with industry partners to form a consortium to develop improved energy efficiency for mineral processing operations. The Collaborative Consortium for Coarse Particle Processing Research will run initially for five years and tackle multidisciplinary aspects of coarse particle processing such as flotation,[…]