Tag Archives: NORCAT

Rajant and ESG Solutions continue to make PTP and Kinetic Mesh integration progress at NORCAT

Rajant Corporation, the pioneer of Kinetic Mesh® wireless networks, and ESG Solutions say they have completed another round of successful underground mine testing at Sudbury, Canada’s NORCAT health and safety centre.

With Precision Time Protocol (PTP) put in place by ESG, Rajant can enhance client’s technologies and programs – from communications and productivity to privacy and security – by carrying mission-critical data wirelessly from the mine to the surface, it says. PTP does not perform well and is unreliable on other wireless network options, according to Rajant, yet, with Rajant Kinetic Mesh, PTP performs appropriately to provide the mining industry with microsecond precision, which is required for scaling to more advanced, next-generation automation systems.

According to ESG’s Director of Engineering, Chris Hawryluck, said: “Offering to our mining clients wireless PTP time synchronisation of our micro-seismic data, as well as the wireless transfer of the data, will give customers the flexibility to rapidly and cost-effectively expand a micro-seismic monitoring system to new excavations in a mine and lower network maintenance costs.”

Rajant Sales Director for Canada, Darrell Gillis, adds: “Both PTP and wireless communications are critical for large-scale automation. Rajant’s extremely low latency and high reliability are essential for enabling wireless PTP over multi-hop, mobile wireless networks. The practical application for this is to eliminate fibre runs from sensors at remote areas of the underground levels. The data packets can now be transmitted wirelessly from the sensor to the closest fibre switch at the substation or the shaft station.”

Rajant teams up with Crossover Distribution to widen North America Kinetic Mesh footprint

Rajant Corporation, the pioneer of Kinetic Mesh® wireless networks, has entered a strategic distribution agreement with Crossover Distribution.

Crossover is, according to Rajant, a leading wireless solutions provider skilled in design and engineering expertise to support North America. It has provided solutions to both Vale and Nutrien in Canada.

The agreement represents Rajant’s further global investment to introduce its Kinetic Mesh solution to Crossover’s customers within industries such as mining, indoor automation, smart cities, public safety and rural broadband, the company said.

Crossover Executive Vice President, Darin Gibbons, says: “Rajant is a complement to other technologies in the Crossover portfolio. For example, the use of Sonim phones for industrial-hardened communications in underground mines with all the functionality of a cell phone on the surface is made possible by Rajant’s wireless networking. A Rajant BreadCrumb radio on mobile equipment is a practical way to have voice coverage at the mine’s working face.”

With Rajant, a NORCAT deployment allowed Crossover to test its UHF/VHF to VoIP phone crossbanding solution that seamlessly allows the worker to use either a phone or a radio and communicate on a legacy and Kinetic Mesh system, according to Gibbons.

“Further, we’ve achieved successful testing of add-on technologies, like fan controls, gas monitoring, geotechnical sensors, seismic sensors, post-blast reentry, hazard alerts, tracking, traffic control, underground fleet management, and more – all made possible by Rajant.”

Darrell Gillis, Rajant Sales Director – Canada, said: “Crossover’s primary Rajant Kinetic Mesh customer base of mines and ports, along with its business strategy to expand into other industrial and municipal markets, is specifically focused on wireless communication solutions. With Rajant Kinetic Mesh networking, Crossover now offers its clients a solution with total mobility, autonomous adaptability and mission-critical reliability.

“As a fifth-generation mining sales and service specialist, I’ve witnessed first hand the transformational nature of Rajant’s technology when it comes to mines. Of note is the exceptional work we are already doing in underground, which includes shaft sinking, shaft inspection and maintenance. Rajant Kinetic Mesh does not break the connection. Instead, the data is always transmitting and receiving even with the high speeds of the conveyances and the numerous shaft signal obstructions in a shaft. And, unlike leaky feeder systems, the shaft with Rajant has complete coverage with no dead spots that lose connection.”

NORCAT’s Underground Centre to host Mining Transformed

NORCAT is to host Mining Transformed, the world’s first technology exhibition in an underground operating mine.

Mining Transformed will occur at the NORCAT Underground Centre, a state-of-the-art operating mine located in the City of Greater Sudbury, Canada, on September 26-29th, 2022.

Mining Transformed 2022 will, NORCAT says, provide a unique hands-on opportunity for exhibitors and visitors to engage underground among live demonstrations of emerging technologies that are poised to transform the global mining industry.

Over the course of four days, NORCAT’s goal is to enable the “builders” of innovation and the “buyers” of innovation to connect and conduct business in an ecosystem like no other in the world.

Don Duval, CEO of NORCAT, says: “NORCAT is thrilled to host the world’s very first technology exhibition in an underground operating mine. Our investments in the Underground Centre have proudly created a unique operating mine that enables companies from around the world to develop, test, and demonstrate emerging technologies creating a vibrant ‘active laboratory’ to see and touch the future of the industry. We are excited to welcome partners, tech exhibitors, mining executives, and visitors from around the world next year.”

Over the four-day exhibition and trade show, participants will have an opportunity to engage in a variety of activities.

Technology companies will be on-site conducting live demonstrations – both underground and on surface. Thought leaders will deliver talks and participate in panels and roundtable discussions on provocative topics challenging status quo thinking in the mining industry. In addition, angel investors and private equity and venture capital firms will be available to meet with emerging tech companies to discuss potential investment opportunities.

Strata Worldwide sets down Canada roots in NORCAT Underground Centre

Strata Worldwide is expanding into the Canadian market with a new partnership and office at the NORCAT Underground Centre in Onaping, Ontario, Canada.

The company officially launched its Canadian regional division, headed up by Ian Cadieux, in September 2020, and this new partnership with NORCAT will, NORCAT says, provide an unparalleled resource in supporting the company’s growth into the Canadian market.

The NORCAT Underground Centre is an operating underground mine developed to provide both practical, hands-on training for new miners in the industry and an authentic environment for innovative partner companies to develop, test, and demonstrate their technologies.

Ian Cadieux, Business Development Manager, Canada, Strata Worldwide, said: “Strata is very proud to be partnering with NORCAT at their Underground Centre. Since the purpose of this operation is to support the mining industry and enhance worker safety, Strata’s differentiated, safety-related product offerings are ideal additions to the facility.”

To date, Strata has installed its Level 9-compliant hard rock proximity detection and collision avoidance system onto an LHD machine and a light-duty personnel carrier at the facility. These installations will demonstrate the accident prevention safety features of the system and be used in training future miners on working alongside proximity detection solutions technology. In addition, Strata has CSE’s long-duration Self-Contained-Self-Rescuer (SCSR) units available on-site. These are the smallest belt-worn, one-hour SCSR units available on the market, according to the company.

Carole Charron, Assistant Manager, Operations and Technology Testing at the NORCAT Underground Centre, said: “We are proud to welcome Strata Worldwide to Canada and be home to their first Canadian office. They have an impressive product line, and we’re looking forward to sharing it with the Canadian mining industry. Technology is changing the way we mine, and for the best. Strata’s products, like their hard rock proximity detection and collision avoidance systems, significantly increase the safety of mining operations. It is a valued addition to our mine.”

HARD-LINE expands into new NORCAT underground facility

A long-time partner of NORCAT, HARD-LINE says it is evolving its remote-control systems in a new space at NORCAT’s surface facility at the former Fecunis mine site in Onaping, Ontario.

HARD-LINE, a global technology company specialising in remote and tele-remote-control solutions, uses drift space at NORCAT’s underground site.

Inside HARD-LINE’s new office is a TeleOp control station that allows the tele-remote operation of heavy machinery and, in this case, an underground LHD at the test site.

“This new space is a welcomed addition to an already impressive site,” HARD-LINE’s Senior VP of Technology, Ryan Siggelkow, says. “The bigger space will allow for more people to meet in our office and ultimately let us test products in a more efficient manner, including new tech like our TeleOp Assist.”

The Assist system is new to market and equips the TeleOp base system with intelligent steering assistance and collision detection to keep LHDs off walls. It also increases tramming speeds, and no pre-scan of the drift is required, according to HARD-LINE.

HARD-LINE’s Supervisor of Technology Implementation, Jim Doyle, is often at the new facility and underground site testing different types of mining equipment. Doyle credits the NORCAT partnership in advancing HARD-LINE’s technology.

“Our relationship with NORCAT is really beneficial,” he said. “We’ve seen growth and improvements in our products over the years because of it.”

The partnership dates back to 2012 when HARD-LINE helped formulate the Underground Centre’s strategy and customer value proposition.

NORCAT CEO, Don Duval, said: “We are excited to build on our existing relationship and support HARD-LINE as they expand into our new surface facilities at the NORCAT Underground Centre. With HARD-LINE’s TeleOp control station, we have seen operators given the ability to control underground heavy machinery from the safety of an office at the Underground Centre. This technology is not only enhancing productivity and safety but also it is transforming the definition of work in the global mining industry.”

Just last month, NSS Canada announced a new partnership with NORCAT and the addition of a new NSS Canada office in the NORCAT Underground Centre.

FedNor pledges funds for NORCAT’s surface facility, technology hub

FedNor, the Government of Canada’s economic development organisation for Northern Ontario, has pledged C$519,000 ($393,468) of investment to help the Northern Centre for Advanced Technology (NORCAT) continue to deliver its services to local entrepreneurs as well as implement an important new technology development project.

As part of this total, C$429,000 was provided through FedNor’s Regional Relief and Recovery Fund to assist NORCAT in bridging the financial gap caused by COVID-19. Specifically, the funding is helping to keep the organisation’s staff working and construction on track for the innovation centre’s state-of-the-art surface facility at its Underground Testing Centre, in Greater Sudbury.

The remaining C$90,000 will help NORCAT establish a technology hub to accelerate software, gaming, and app development in Greater Sudbury, FedNor said. Once fully operational, the new incubation space will help local tech entrepreneurs start-up, scale-up and access new markets.

Back in July 2019, FedNor agreed to invest C$1.4 million in the surface facility.

“Innovation centres are important hubs of technology, research and subject-matter expertise where knowledge is shared, and ideas and concepts can transform into viable business ventures,” FedNor said. “As our economy recovers from the impacts of COVID-19, the Government of Canada is working hard to ensure Northern Ontario innovation centres and the entrepreneurs they support, are well positioned to take part in our nation’s economic recovery.”

Don Duval, CEO, NORCAT, said: “NORCAT is proud to partner with the Government of Canada, through FedNor, to ensure technology, innovation and skills training can continue to thrive in the region.

“As Northern Ontario’s largest innovation centre, we are thankful that the investment from the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund will allow us to maintain our operations, keep our community members working and allow us to continue building on our strategic initiatives to accelerate the growth of innovative companies that will drive future economic and social prosperity for Canada.”

Vale partners with NORCAT for mining innovation challenge

NORCAT and Vale have teamed up to launch the NORCAT Open Innovation Challenge to, they say, facilitate and enhance Vale’s capabilities to bring new, state-of-the-art technologies into its mining operations and accelerate the rate of technology adoption in the global mining industry.

As current global events disrupt regular business operations and the global mining industry continues to undergo a digital transformation, mining companies around the world are looking to become more agile and resilient by embracing digitalisation and investing in technologies related to safety, sustainability and operational efficiency.

The NORCAT Open Innovation Challenge is looking to identify technology-enabled solutions to three common problem areas identified by Vale. Specifically, the NORCAT Open Innovation Challenge is focusing on the issues of smelter acid management, underground operator alertness and excessive water and run of material in underground mines.

“As the global ‘one-stop-shop’ for all that is the future of mining technology, our goal is to facilitate and encourage innovative and disruptive thinking within the mining technology ecosystem,” Don Duval, NORCAT CEO, says. “As the mining industry continues to transform, it requires new levels of openness, innovation and collaboration. Challenge-based initiatives have proven to be effective in uncovering new ideas and different points of view, and we are excited to partner with Vale to further the acceleration, adoption and deployment of emerging technologies that are poised to transform the global mining industry.”

The NORCAT Open Innovation Challenge is open to innovative start-ups, entrepreneurs and problem solvers from across Canada. Successful applications must have the capacity and confidence to develop and deploy a proof-of-concept inside one of Vale’s operations in Sudbury, Ontario, by March 2021. As part of the process, Vale will provide technical oversight and feedback to winning entries over a four-month period to prepare for product development and testing prior to completion.

Anthony Downs, Manager of Digital and Information Technology for Vale’s Base Metal Operations, said: “At Vale, we are obsessed with safety and risk mitigation. Open innovation is a key enabler that allows us to rapidly identify and trial novel risk management solutions. When they prove effective, we move them to implementation within our operations at an accelerated pace.

“Vale is pleased to partner with NORCAT on this challenge and looks forward to reviewing the innovative solutions the challenge inspires.”

As part of its mandate, NORCAT continues to identify and engage with mining technology companies from around the world to support the development and adoption of innovative technologies poised to transform the global mining industry.

This is not the first time NORCAT and Vale have teamed up. Earlier this year, the two announced plans to develop and deploy an innovative blended learning program that, they said, would transform how the global mining industry trains and educates its workforce.

Ontario Government backs NORCAT above-ground expansion

The Northern Centre for Advanced Technology (NORCAT) is to receive more than C$1.1 million ($833,117) from the Ontario Government to upgrade underground infrastructure and construct a permanent, above-ground building at its NORCAT Underground Centre.

The announcement was made yesterday by Vic Fedeli (pictured), Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, on behalf of Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, when visiting the facility in the province.

This latest pledge brings Ontario’s investment in the project to more than $1.65 million, according to the government. It comes on top of the C$1.4 million FedNor agreed to invest in the new 12,000 sq.ft (1,115 sq.m) above-ground facility and underground upgrade. The City of Greater Sudbury has also agreed to invest C$300,000 in the project, according to NORCAT.

The NORCAT Underground Centre, in Onaping, Ontario, enables companies of all sizes to develop, test and showcase innovative and emerging technologies in an operating mine environment. It also serves as a hands-on training and skills development centre, ensuring mine workers are up-to-date on the most modern equipment and processes.

The above-ground structure will provide office, meeting and workshop space, which is key to attracting and retaining international mining companies who will use the services or expand their operations at the centre, the government said. Upgrading underground infrastructure will provide companies with access to cutting-edge technology and create new training and education opportunities.

“With our government’s support, we are making it possible for mining companies to develop new technologies, invest and create good jobs in the North,” Minister Fedeli said. “We are keen to show the world that Ontario and its mining sector are open for business and open for jobs – and that also means being open for research and training.”

Canada Government backs plans for new NORCAT surface facility

The Government of Canada, through FedNor, has agreed to invest C$1.4 million ($1.07 million) in a new “state-of-the art surface facility” at NORCAT’s Underground Centre in northern Ontario.

The government said this facility will provide innovative mining businesses and entrepreneurs in northern Ontario with “a new space to share ideas, build partnerships, conduct research, and bring new technologies to market”.

NORCAT’s Underground Centre already provides companies with a place to innovate and enhance the productivity, safety and competitiveness of the mining industry. The company, earlier this year, announced plans to expand the centre in response to the forecasted demand of the global innovation ecosystem.

This new facility will further bolster its industry offering.

“The new 12,000 sq.ft (1,115 sq.m) facility will be used by innovative mining technology companies to develop, test and demonstrate innovative and emerging technologies in an operating mine environment,” the government said. “It will offer shared spaces, offices, meeting rooms, on-site personal protective equipment, first aid rooms, workshop, lunch room, changing rooms, showers and personal storage amenities.”

The announcement was made today by Paul Lefebvre, Member of Parliament for Sudbury, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, and Minister responsible for FedNor.

Lefebvre said: “Supporting Canadian innovation is a key priority of our government, which is why we made it a pillar of our Innovation and Skills Plan and Prosperity and Growth Strategy for northern Ontario. This strategic investment in NORCAT will help shape the future of innovation and technology in the mining industry, and further strengthen Canada’s reputation as a global leader in mining.”

Don Duval, CEO of NORCAT (pictured), said: “A longstanding supporter and partner, the Government of Canada continues to recognize the value of NORCAT and the work we do to spur innovation, support skills training and help businesses develop and adopt new technologies and processes.

“As northern Ontario’s largest innovation centre, we are thrilled to add this new above-ground facility to our Underground Centre that will help cement our reputation as a global destination for mining research and innovation.”

NORCAT is focused on developing and providing world-class programs, services, and resources to reduce injuries, save lives, and enhance productivity in the mining industry and beyond, the government said. In addition, it is the only non-profit regional innovation centre in the world that has an operating mine designed to enable start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises, and international companies to develop, test, and showcase new and innovative technologies in an operating mine environment.

The Electric Mine charges on to Sweden

Following the success of the inaugural Electric Mine event in Toronto, Canada, in April, International Mining Events has wasted no time in confirming the 2020 follow up; this time in Stockholm, Sweden.

Taking place at the Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel on March 19-20, 2020, The Electric Mine 2020 will be even bigger, featuring new case studies from miners implementing electrification projects and presentations from the key OEMs and service suppliers shaping these solutions.

A leading hub in Europe for mining equipment and innovation, Sweden was the obvious choice for the 2020 edition of the event. Miners including Boliden and LKAB have already made electric moves above and below ground, and the north of the country is set to host Europe’s first home-grown gigafactory, the Northvolt Ett lithium-ion battery cell facility.

Sweden and Finland also play host to Europe’s major mining OEMs such as Epiroc, Sandvik, Metso and Outotec (soon to possibly be Metso Outotec Corp), and the Nordic region has a rich mining innovation legacy.

Capacity crowd

The announcement of the 2020 Electric Mine edition comes hot on the heels of a hugely successful debut in Toronto.

With the Radisson Admiral, on Toronto Harbourfront, filled out to capacity, the circa-150 attendees were treated to more than 20 world-class papers from miners Vale, Goldcorp (now Newmont Goldcorp), Kirkland Lake Gold, Boliden and Nouveau Monde Graphite; OEMs Epiroc, Sandvik, Caterpillar, Volvo CE and BELAZ; and equipment and service specialists Siemens, ABB, GE Transportation (a Wabtec company). Presentations from Doug Morrison (CEMI), Marcus Thomson (Norcat), David Sanguinetti (Global Mining Guidelines Group), Erik Isokangas (Mining3) and Ali Madiseh (University of British Columbia), meanwhile, provided the R&D angle delegates were after.

The event was a truly global affair, attracting delegates and exhibitors from Africa, Australasia, Europe, North America and South America, all eager to hear about developments across the sector.

Bigger and better

International Mining Events is upping the ante for 2020, increasing the event capacity to 200 delegates and making plans for a possible site visit to witness electric equipment in action.

Talks from several miners, as well as global international companies, will again underpin the 1.5-day conference program, which will also expand to cover the use of renewable/alternative energy within the field.

There will, again, be opportunities for sponsorship and exhibiting, with several companies already in discussions about booking the prime opportunities for the event.

If you would like to know more about The Electric Mine 2020, please feel free to contact Editorial Director, Paul Moore ([email protected]) or Editor, Dan Gleeson ([email protected]).

In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you in Stockholm!